Group 7-day waking average?

6.5 @ 7.15am this morning.

I wonder why frozen shoulder is a known thing for diabetics? Why?

I'm sneezing for England. I seem to have had the sniffles from November. That's not possible surely! 🙂
Poorly controlled diabetes has long been linked to muscular & skeletal problems with consistently high blood sugars likely to increase the risk of complications such as frozen shoulder.
Collagen can become sticky if sugar molecules become attached, resulting in movement being restricted and the shoulder beginning to stiffen. This process is known as Glycosylation.
Hope this explains the reason Ditto x
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Good morning 🙂 6.4 for me today 🙂
You seem to be getting earlier & earlier nowadays Alan...just thinking back to those days when I could simply turn over & go right back to sleep...once that sun peeps through the curtains now...that's it...I'm up.
Morning...a hard days grafting yesterday...mostly in the garden...seems I had endless work to do there...satisfying...can say that now its finished...for the moment😱...woke to a 5.4 I go to friends today...there working on Tuesday...can I bear London three times in one week?
Yuk,Thick sea fog here this morning, A 6.6 for me now away for just over a week so please behave everyone and have a great week.
Have a lovely week @RobK.

It's a pleasantly surprising 5.4 again for me following an under bolused Chinese last night 🙂
Yuk,Thick sea fog here this morning, A 6.6 for me now away for just over a week so please behave everyone and have a great week.
Sweltering here already Rob...would be willing to swop?...don't do well in the sun...enjoy your week you've said the time you get doubt complete anarchy will be here😱😱😱.
Yuk,Thick sea fog here this morning, A 6.6 for me now away for just over a week so please behave everyone and have a great week.
Have a lovely week Rob
Morning all. It's shaping up to be lovely here. Lots of rain lest evening, so everything washed and sparkly. 8.6 for me this morning. Meeting sisters for lunch, so might get out of lazy pit and do ironing before it goes into the "thinking about it "task.
Good morning everyone, it's a beautiful day here and a 6.3 for me, it would probably have been lower but I was so hungry around 03 30 so I succumbed to an un bolused Options hot choc , two ginger nuts, and this is s what happened. I've not long had brekkie so don't worry bout the Rising 7.1
Morning lovelies 🙂 got a bit of rain last night but it didn't cool down much, looking lovely again this morning 🙂 and woke to a 5.1,me being the idiot I am got worried about the window being open Friday night for my insulin then thought well its usually stored in the fridge theres no chance my rooms going to get that cold, no idea where my brain was at the time 🙄 have a great week away @RobK, enjoy your day at the zoo @Stitch147 and whatever everyone else is doing I hope you all have a lovely day 🙂
Good morning everyone, it's a beautiful day here and a 6.3 for me, it would probably have been lower but I was so hungry around 03 30 so I succumbed to an un bolused Options hot choc , two ginger nuts, and this is s what happened. I've not long had brekkie so don't worry bout the Rising 7.1
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Wow, that sneaky snack hardly raised you at all, Ljc...hope you enjoyed it!😛

Morning folks.🙂 It's gorillas in the mist weather here...and we're off to the beach later for lunch - I love the sound of fog-horns.🙄

A 4.8 here.:D

Enjoy the zoo, Stitch.🙂 And have a fab holiday, Rob - your deserve it after all your hard work.😛
Good morning all 🙂 and it's 7.4 today. Was so busy at work til 10.15 rushing around in the heat I expected much lower. Should have tested before bed.
Hope you have a lovely holiday RobK and enjoy the zoo Stitch. I love going there 🙂