Group 7-day waking average?

Moaning Minnie reporting in with a 6.8. That's it, I officially hate hot weather especially hot days interspersed with saucer sized raindrops that create stifling humidity!
Haven't slept much. Rotten cold and feel as rough as a barn door! :(

Hope everyone who is going anywhere has a nice day. As for visiting the zoo, I look like I belong in one today! :D

Hope you feel better soon 🙂
Moaning Minnie reporting in with a 6.8. That's it, I officially hate hot weather especially hot days interspersed with saucer sized raindrops that create stifling humidity!
Haven't slept much. Rotten cold and feel as rough as a barn door! :(

Hope everyone who is going anywhere has a nice day. As for visiting the zoo, I look like I belong in one today! :D
You and me both, Amigo - I can't breathe in stifling humid weather, I hates it, I does!

But a surprising 4.9 for me this morning :D
Thanks @Lindarose & @Bubbsie. Yes I'm pleased the BG's are not as unpredictable as the weather at the moment. We had everything but snow yesterday! Strange weather seems to be messing up some people's levels.

Predictably, Bank Holiday Monday reverts back to the expected downpour!

I'm playing a game of cat and mouse at the moment wondering how much of my immune system is left to kick out the cold and chestiness. I've got the antib's in readiness though!

Have a lovely Sunday everyone 🙂
Sorry you are feeling poorly Amigo. I had the bug for two weeks, but better now. This humid weather doesn't help.
Thanks @Lindarose & @Bubbsie. Yes I'm pleased the BG's are not as unpredictable as the weather at the moment. We had everything but snow yesterday! Strange weather seems to be messing up some people's levels.

Predictably, Bank Holiday Monday reverts back to the expected downpour!

I'm playing a game of cat and mouse at the moment wondering how much of my immune system is left to kick out the cold and chestiness. I've got the antib's in readiness though!

Have a lovely Sunday everyone 🙂
I hope you are feeling much improved today @Amigo {{{HUGS}}}

Good morning all 🙂 6.6 for me today 🙂
Morning...swelteringly hot last night...just opened the garden doors...beautiful fresh breeze after the rain...feels good...woke to a 5.8 today.
Sooooo after a very naughty Sunday (fish/chips, banoffee pie & cream/ chocolate raisens/Pringles with onion & garlic dip/a pint of lager/ 2 glasses of ros'e 😱surprised to see a 7.4 this morning which is pretty normal for me so happy with that. Have a good day everyone 🙂
Good morning. 8.1 for me. Up and getting ready for work. Enjoy holiday Monday everyone
A bit of (been) naughty but (fasting glucose) nice doing the rounds this morning.😛 Tee hee...good stuff.

Morning folks.🙂 7.0 here after a hypo an hour before getting up - I guess 2 hours' gardening yesterday was a little excessive - but I was enjoying destroying our jungle, so there.😉

Enjoy the BH, ev1.:D
I was pleased to be 6.3 two hours after dinner last night ( away from home so no choice really). I had eaten some untried stuff throughout the day, snacking etc. and fajitas and a wee bit of brownie for dinner, so expected a bit of a spike. I had two or three glasses of red wine which obviously kept the BG lower. This morning however my FBG was 9.3. Can the lowering effect of the alchohol wear off and the spiking effect of yesterday's food give a high reading the next morning? It's the highest FBG I've had for a while.
Morning all, 5.5 here.
Don't know about the effect of the alcohol wearing off, @Browser, my fasting BG is always lower the next morning after red wine. If I've eaten a lot, though, it usually digests more slowly, so,spikes me the next morning, alcohol or no.
Good morning all and 5.4 for me, seems to be my new norm but happy with that.
Wishing everyone a good bank holiday whatever you are doing.
Not surprised you're happy with your new norm NJ...sounds good to me...mine has gone up slightly...not too much...but...keeping an eye on it!
Morning everyone 🙂 a rather surprising 4.7 even after a biscuit for a 5.9 at bedtime, all I did last night was walk round a couple of supermarkets 🙄 hope everyone has a fab day :D x
Not surprised you're happy with your new norm NJ...sounds good to me...mine has gone up slightly...not too much...but...keeping an eye on it!
Thanks and we know there is no room for complacency, the DF can strike at any time!
Your numbers are still good, and on less drugs so brilliant.
Sooooo after a very naughty Sunday (fish/chips, banoffee pie & cream/ chocolate raisens/Pringles with onion & garlic dip/a pint of lager/ 2 glasses of ros'e 😱surprised to see a 7.4 this morning which is pretty normal for me so happy with that. Have a good day everyone 🙂
Blimey Barbara...a real feast...was about to say...7.4 how did you get away with that?...then...remembered my excesses this week...Kit Kat...those extra thin chocolate digestives (great idea in theory.. but in practice just meant I ate more of them)...not to mention the MIlky I'm saying nought😱😱😱.
Morning all on a damp bank holiday. 4.8 despite going to bed on a post gardening hypo treated 9.2 Going to slap a new sensor on for the 1st to see what's happening overnight. looks like a basal reduction is in order.

Enough of my blathering. A good bank holiday to one and all.
Thanks and we know there is no room for complacency, the DF can strike at any time!
Your numbers are still good, and on less drugs so brilliant.
They're okay so far NJ...but...watching out for that little witch...just in case:D.