Group 7-day waking average?

Sorry to hear you've been so poorly Lorraine. Hoping you feel much better soon xx
14.7 for me today. Sorry been very unwell after being rushed to hospital from work on Thursday with chest pains which turned out to be pleurisy bg was 17 when taken in ambulance. Am starting to feel better but still feel incredible tired and woozy, with feeling light headed.
Oh dear, so sorry - look after yourself and get better soon, Lorraine xx
14.7 for me today. Sorry been very unwell after being rushed to hospital from work on Thursday with chest pains which turned out to be pleurisy bg was 17 when taken in ambulance. Am starting to feel better but still feel incredible tired and woozy, with feeling light headed.

It was beginning to sound like you were unwell Lorraine from recent posts. Take good care of yourself, take time to heal and the levelling of BG's will follow. Sending warm best wishes.
14.7 for me today. Sorry been very unwell after being rushed to hospital from work on Thursday with chest pains which turned out to be pleurisy bg was 17 when taken in ambulance. Am starting to feel better but still feel incredible tired and woozy, with feeling light headed.
B***R awful for you...I take it you're home now?...just make sure you get some rest...not surprised your sugars were that high...give yourself a break...possibly some time off work for the next few days or a bit that possible?
14.7 for me today. Sorry been very unwell after being rushed to hospital from work on Thursday with chest pains which turned out to be pleurisy bg was 17 when taken in ambulance. Am starting to feel better but still feel incredible tired and woozy, with feeling light headed.

Sorry to hear that Lorraine hope you start to feel better very soon take care x
14.7 for me today. Sorry been very unwell after being rushed to hospital from work on Thursday with chest pains which turned out to be pleurisy bg was 17 when taken in ambulance. Am starting to feel better but still feel incredible tired and woozy, with feeling light headed.
So sorry to hear this Lorraine get well soon hun xxx
14.7 for me today. Sorry been very unwell after being rushed to hospital from work on Thursday with chest pains which turned out to be pleurisy bg was 17 when taken in ambulance. Am starting to feel better but still feel incredible tired and woozy, with feeling light headed.
I'm so sorry to hear you're poorly Lorraine - I think this has been coming on for a little while as you've not been 100% lately have you - I know the pleuresy pain only too well - its very painful when you inhale - and when you change your position. Wishing you a speedy recovery Lorraine (((hugs))) and xxx's. Be patient and do take care hun x
6.0 for me this morning

Yesterday went too long between meals and felt awful, had a reading of 4 (all my own fault)
14.7 for me today. Sorry been very unwell after being rushed to hospital from work on Thursday with chest pains which turned out to be pleurisy bg was 17 when taken in ambulance. Am starting to feel better but still feel incredible tired and woozy, with feeling light headed.
Hugs - hope you are feeling better soon
Hope you are feeling better lorraine
14.7 for me today. Sorry been very unwell after being rushed to hospital from work on Thursday with chest pains which turned out to be pleurisy bg was 17 when taken in ambulance. Am starting to feel better but still feel incredible tired and woozy, with feeling light headed.

Hope you are feeling better Lorraine
Hope all those not feeling perky are soon on the mend.

Today a 6.7 for me.
Morning...working today...London again...seem to be there more & more often...woke to a 5.9 today...cooler this morning...thank goodness...sun burnt already from a brief walk in the park!
Blast forgot to say...good luck @Stitch147 ...hope I've got it right...its your doctors appointment today ?...and @Grannylorraine hope you're feeling better this morning...managed to get some rest...been a rough time for you recently.
14.7 for me today. Sorry been very unwell after being rushed to hospital from work on Thursday with chest pains which turned out to be pleurisy bg was 17 when taken in ambulance. Am starting to feel better but still feel incredible tired and woozy, with feeling light headed.
Sorry to hear you're not well. I hope the Pleurisy clears up quickly and you feel much better soon.
@Stitch147 , Good luck for your appointment today.
Good morning everyone. Forgot to test when I woke up earlier , 6.4 pre brekkie
Good luck stitch at appointment