Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning everyone. 8.8 for me today.
Good morning 🙂 6.5 for me after another hot, uncomfortable night - hopefully a bit cooler tonight!
Are you complaining about nice weather?😱🙄

Morning folks.🙂 Another misty morn and a 6.2 here.😛

Hope you're feeling a bit better today, Lorraine. Good luck with that appt, Stitchy.
Morning guys 🙂 4.9 here after a rather warm night had to shut my bedroom window last night due to the drunks shouting on the street 🙄 good luck @Stitch147 and I hope everyone having issues is feeling better today x
Morning all, thanks for all the good luck messages, will update in a separate thread. Anyway, I was 10.1 this morning.
Morning...up to a well deserved 6.2 today...little higher than I would like...although could be something to do with the Snickers bar I ate last night?...just before bed...what am I was the snickers the handful of mini hob nobs...the remainder of which have now been consigned to the rubbish bin...there...that'll teach me:D:D:D.
Morning...up to a well deserved 6.2 today...little higher than I would like...although could be something to do with the Snickers bar I ate last night?...just before bed...what am I was the snickers the handful of mini hob nobs...the remainder of which have now been consigned to the rubbish bin...there...that'll teach me:D:D:D.
6.2 is a perfectly good number Bubbsie - well within non-diabetic range, no need to castigate yourself! 🙂
6.2 is a perfectly good number Bubbsie - well within non-diabetic range, no need to castigate yourself! 🙂
TBH Alan...feel lucky to 'get away' with 6.2 this morning...just languishing over my first coffee...descended into that delicious misery of self pity just for a moment...then saw empty the Snickers wrapper on the kitchen counter...conveniently forgotten about that mishap...oops😳😳😳.