Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning all 🙂 and it's a 7.3 today. Afraid I did the same as last time I worked til 4am - bought a twirl from the vending machine on way out 😱 It's something I've got to stop before it becomes even more of a bad habit. So I do understand Bubbsie! 😛

Hope everyone has a good day and good luck getting those new pills down Stitch. Assume you've managed one already 🙂
Hope everyone has a good day and good luck getting those new pills down Stitch. Assume you've managed one already 🙂

It was actually really easy to swallow and tasted nice and fruity (but that may have been me imagining it!)
No not Snickers, but somehow a mini pork pie managed to chuck itself down my throat. :confused:
OOh Lin...hadn't thought of pork pies for soooooooooooooooo long...oooh...I am nowwwwwwwwwwwwww😉😉😉.
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Good morning all 🙂 and it's a 7.3 today. Afraid I did the same as last time I worked til 4am - bought a twirl from the vending machine on way out 😱 It's something I've got to stop before it becomes even more of a bad habit. So I do understand Bubbsie! 😛

Hope everyone has a good day and good luck getting those new pills down Stitch. Assume you've managed one already 🙂
OMG Linda...we're all at it...getting back to my two finer Kik Kats...for my bedtime snack if needed...hasten to add...not the new ones with extra cocoa & milk (how could they?)...😉😉😉.
Morning everyone and it's a 6.7 for me this morning. Hope your diaversary is a good day GG. It's also my cancerversary today, the day I'll never forget. But I'm still here kicking hard and dodging chemo. It may be incurable, a complete pain in the ass and squabble constantly with my diabetes for pole nuisance position, but it's my reality and I'll keep fighting it every step of the way!

Have a good one folks 🙂
Kicking hard Amigo?...I'd say kicking arse more like!!...keep kicking every step of the way.
Good morning all 5.3 at 5am and 5.3 at 8 as went back to sleep, very steady.
No rain please as a friend is helping me tackle the garden. Enjoy your day.
We'll do our best Jo.
Morning all, 11.1 for me today and the first day of new tablets, fingers crossed I see some difference in a few days time.
Duly crossed interested to hear your up date on this...good luck.
Today 7.2 @ 6.29am and yesterday 6.6 @ 4.58. Sweltering. Hope it's nice where y'all are. 🙂
Disappointing 10.2 this morning. We could not be bothered to cook last night as it was quite late so decided to have a KFC - bad move
Morning everyone and it's a 6.7 for me this morning. Hope your diaversary is a good day GG. It's also my cancerversary today, the day I'll never forget. But I'm still here kicking hard and dodging chemo. It may be incurable, a complete pain in the ass and squabble constantly with my diabetes for pole nuisance position, but it's my reality and I'll keep fighting it every step of the way!

Have a good one folks 🙂
Amigo, I admire your courage in which you face diversity by being the true strong fighter that you are. (((HUGS))) xxx
White rabbits white rabbits white rabbits.
Good morning folks. It's a grand 4.2 after 2 sustaining ginger nuts last night.
@Northerner Sorry to hear you've had another restless night.
Disappointing 10.2 this morning. We could not be bothered to cook last night as it was quite late so decided to have a KFC - bad move
Davo...we all have nights like least you know why...write it start.
Good morning 🙂 6.2 for me today after another fitful night's sleep.

White rabbits! White rabbits! White rabbits! :D

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Northerner ...what's going on...your third night in a row? must be exhausted...cooler weather towards the weekend...hopefully a better nights sleep coming up soon.
Morning...up super early again...paper work to be of my least favourite tasks...woke to 5.8 today.