Group 7-day waking average?

5.6 this morning. I've been a bit naughty the last few days and eaten some things I oughtn't have. 🙂 I fell onto the edge of the bath and bruised ribs. Feel as though I've been beaten up. Must be more careful. 😉
Ooh ouch! Janine...take it easy...hope you haven't done any serious damage...can't tell you how clumsy I am in the bathroom...not enough time:D.
Ooh ouch! Janine...take it easy...hope you haven't done any serious damage...can't tell you how clumsy I am in the bathroom...not enough time:D.
Hi Bubsie. It makes a change for me to fall in the bathroom. My usual catastrophe is a tumble down the stairs (or up them) I'm well known for it. As you say "rushing around"too much. 🙂
Good morning all, 6.5 for me @ 8.52am. 🙂 I'm back looking after myself again today and doing the Atkins. The relief is palpable, I was feeling that ill. I just can't go off it, I mustn't. There is no happy medium, it's either Atkins or pigging. 😱

Oh my gosh Janine, stop rushing about!

I thought it was white rabbits yesterday, turned the calendars over and everything. Duh!

Just remembered, not back on Atkins till tomorrow as I'd said on another thread I'd give the 800cals a day diet a whirl, so I've just had a banana, be interesting to measure after that. It tasted nice. Years since I had a banana. :D
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An unwelcome 7.4 for me this morning. Like northerner, not a good night and still fighting off this rotten cold! :(
In this weather as little as possible Bloden...I love pistachios...haven't had them for so long...after your experience (I wouldn't have thought they were that bad😱)...will be avoiding them like the plague.
LOL.😛 I think my students' parents'd have something to say if I swaggered into work in a bikini...hahaha.o_O
Sunday 3.3
Monday 14.1
Tuesday 15.6
Wednesday 6.4
Thursday. 15.9
Everything carb counted and bolused for as usual.
We all seem to be slightly the last few days Barbara...the weather?...cooler this weekend (so they say)...looking forward to that.

Not sure can't put my finger on it i have been so good since my naughty Sunday just one of them things. o_O
Whoop whoop! 🙂 Haven't had one of those for ages, congratulations! 🙂
Thank you - I got home earlier completely knackered after a day at Regents Park with my daughter and her two stepsons. I had a couple of large gins, a nice long bath, and my dinner (Mr Marten is away visiting his family). I'm off to byebyes now... hoping for another nice waking number in the morning 🙂
Morning...busy busy day yesterday...another one coming up...good nights sleep...woke to a 5.2 this morning.
Good morning 🙂 I'm feeling quite chuffed I did do a double check, my first ever in the 6's it's a 6.7 from me today 🙂 not sure how or why but I'll take it even if is only a one off lol

Numbers better for you today Alan have a good weekend everyone.
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Good morning everyone. 4.2 today 🙂
Good morning 🙂 now take a look at my waking numbers this morning I'm feeling quite chuffed I did do a double check, my first ever in the 6's it's a 6.7 from me today 🙂 not sure how or why but I'll take it even if is only a one off lol

Numbers better for you today Alan and a nice HS Bubbsie well done have a good weekend everyone.
Nice number , fingers crossed you're on your way up ooops I mean down 😉
Morning. Lower numbers by all so far this morning by the looks of things. I'll join you with a lower than normal 4.8 please.
Morning, morning.🙂 11.6 here. Why, oh why, does the carb info on burger packaging always say they contain 'burger-all' carb when it's obviously a big fat lie? Home-made from now on...😛

Roll on the weekend!:D