Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning 🙂 I'm feeling quite chuffed I did do a double check, my first ever in the 6's it's a 6.7 from me today 🙂 not sure how or why but I'll take it even if is only a one off lol

Numbers better for you today Alan have a good weekend everyone.
Well done Barbara...the first of many I have no doubt.😉.
Morning my lovelies 🙂, congrats on the HS @Bubbsie 🙂, woohoo @Barbara W long may it continue 🙂, 5.8 here have a great day everyone :D x
Morning my lovelies 🙂, congrats on the HS @Bubbsie 🙂, woohoo @Barbara W long may it continue 🙂, 5.8 here have a great day everyone :D x
Thanks K...given up those extra thin chocolate it obvious?
Morning all, I'm glad its finally Friday, why do the short working weeks feel like the longest?! Anyway, 10 for me this morning.
Morning...busy busy day yesterday...another one coming up...good nights sleep...woke to a 5.2 this morning.
Congrats on the HS @Bubbsie! 🙂

Good morning 🙂 I'm feeling quite chuffed I did do a double check, my first ever in the 6's it's a 6.7 from me today 🙂 not sure how or why but I'll take it even if is only a one off lol

Numbers better for you today Alan have a good weekend everyone.
Thanks Barbara 🙂 Brilliant to see you in the 6s! 🙂

Morning, morning.🙂 11.6 here. Why, oh why, does the carb info on burger packaging always say they contain 'burger-all' carb when it's obviously a big fat lie? Home-made from now on...😛

Roll on the weekend!:D
Are you sure it didn't say 'Burger - all carb'? 😱 😉
Congrats on the HS @Bubbsie! 🙂

Thanks Barbara 🙂 Brilliant to see you in the 6s! 🙂

Are you sure it didn't say 'Burger - all carb'? 😱 😉
Thanks Alan...just reading your training schedule...made me wince...the thought of 3.5 miles...I felt faint... (how could you be disappointed with that?)...thought I was pushing myself walking Harry round our local park twice...running...umphhhh... if I ran more than .5 of a mile...I'd have to head for the nearest casualty...good going.
Good morning all 🙂 and I'm using the 6.9 result not the weird 7.6 a few minutes earlier!
Well done Bubbsie on the HS! And fantastic you've made the 6's Barbara W!
I do that Linda...odd...when I test often get the feeling it's no quite right...the first this morning on finger No:1 was 5.2...the second on finger No:2 5.4...guess which one I choose?😉
I do that Linda...odd...when I test often get the feeling it's no quite right...the first this morning on finger No:1 was 5.2...the second on finger No:2 5.4...guess which one I choose?😉
Ha ha Good choice Bubbsie. Same as me! Opt for the better number 🙂
This morning I really felt I shouldn't be 7.6 as there was no macflurry and no twirl before bed! I worked the evening in the hospital notes library so no food machines to tempt me. But I stopped to get son and hubby a macflurry on way home and resisted the temptation to have one myself. Where's that halo 🙄
Ha ha Good choice Bubbsie. Same as me! Opt for the better number 🙂
This morning I really felt I shouldn't be 7.6 as there was no macflurry and no twirl before bed! I worked the evening in the hospital notes library so no food machines to tempt me. But I stopped to get son and hubby a macflurry on way home and resisted the temptation to have one myself. Where's that halo 🙄
Have to be a virtual halo is difficult when we have our little 'treats'...did okay with the extra thin chocolate digestives for a week or so...then they caught up with me...just a slight rise...decided that's the start of a very 'rocky road' they are now banned!...honest🙄.
You could always use them as a little pick me up before walking harry 😉 x
Good idea many in the packet...always say only having one or if I could limit myself to a couple...great incentive for a long walk with Harry...sadly...unable to control myself...seem to feel obligated to finish the packet...after would be a terrible waste?...safer to remove the temptation totally🙄🙄🙄...banned from the house.
Morning all, 6.5 for me @ 6.45.

I had my lowest reading ever on this new Codefree meter last Wednesday. 5.5 @ 12.27pm. I was up late watching the box, but I'd been pigging out on Scotch pies, mash and baked beans! Why did I go low I wonder? o_O
Are you sure it didn't say 'Burger - all carb'? 😱 😉
Hey, that's my line!😉 Anyway, they can burger off the lot of them. It's home-made from now on.😎

5 minutes later...
D'oh! Just got it, Northerner...hahaha, very good.😛:D😛
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A 6.8 for me this morning. Slept a bit better so I haven't woken up with a face like a smacked a**e! :D

Anyway it's Friday and getting a bit cooler (sorry to all the sun worshippers out there).

Nice HS there @Bubbsie and nice to see you in the 6's @Barbara W 🙂

I've got my retinopathy and foot check Monday morning....gulps hard! 😳
A 6.8 for me this morning. Slept a bit better so I haven't woken up with a face like a smacked a**e! :D

Anyway it's Friday and getting a bit cooler (sorry to all the sun worshippers out there).

Nice HS there @Bubbsie and nice to see you in the 6's @Barbara W 🙂

I've got my retinopathy and foot check Monday morning....gulps hard! 😳
Thank goodness for that Amigo...can't bear it when I've slept badly...compounds everything else...taking a salutary lesson on those dammed extra thin biscuits...had none last shows in my waking numbers...need to learn from that...good numbers...good sleep...hopefully equals a good weekend...odd though...when I've slept well...I usually look an old duvet cover badly in need of ironing...sunny today...convenient...sunglasses are ex large...they are going on as soon as I step out the door...even if it's ..only to put the bins out!...good luck on Monday.