Group 7-day waking average?

Morning people 🙂 5.3 here after a bedtime biscuit for a 5.8 x
Good morning all, 4.9 after a day yesterday of hypos, no idea why, was over three weeks without one. New day today and feeling positive.
Busy time for you Jo...possibly need a break to you day...lets be positive...(not sure I will follow that advice...paperwork later today...but...will do my best😉.
Morning it's a 8.2 from me today :( have a good day everyone.
We all seem to be slightly the last few days Barbara...the weather?...cooler this weekend (so they say)...looking forward to that.
Morning people 🙂 5.3 here after a bedtime biscuit for a 5.8 x
Consistent Kaylz...nice steady line...well done.
Morning all, 8.3 here.😱 Not surprising, as I was 10.1 at bedtime. Didn't correct, as I'd been gardening and sometimes drop later. But not this time. Obv hadn't been putting my back into it!
I'm not a natural gardener Robin...but...been doing so much out there the last few seeing the benefits...things are actually will be out there again later...getting addicted to it...I'm sure you worked tirelessly yesterday...just one of those days/nights...who knows you may reap the rewards of your labours today😉.
Morning all, 10.8 for me today. Its a gorgeous day out there and the boss is off for 2 days, so you know what that means....... nice early day for me!
Busy time for you Jo...possibly need a break to you day...lets be positive...(not sure I will follow that advice...paperwork later today...but...will do my best😉.
Thanks Bubbsie, Just thought I have upped my exercise as my back is better and maybe now need to lower my lantus, wil watch it today. Positive day, yes even with your paper work!
Morning all.🙂 8.5 here - it's amazing what 5 (yes, just 5) pistachios and a cuppa before bed can do to my BG.:confused:🙂 Stuck in the mist AGAIN this morning, but no doubt it'll be scorchio later...all this chilly~hot~warm weather puts a real strain on my limited wardrobe...what does one wear?!:D😎
Morning all.🙂 8.5 here - it's amazing what 5 (yes, just 5) pistachios and a cuppa before bed can do to my BG.:confused:🙂 Stuck in the mist AGAIN this morning, but no doubt it'll be scorchio later...all this chilly~hot~warm weather puts a real strain on my limited wardrobe...what does one wear?!:D😎
In this weather as little as possible Bloden...I love pistachios...haven't had them for so long...after your experience (I wouldn't have thought they were that bad😱)...will be avoiding them like the plague.
Morning all.🙂 8.5 here - it's amazing what 5 (yes, just 5) pistachios and a cuppa before bed can do to my BG.:confused:🙂 Stuck in the mist AGAIN this morning, but no doubt it'll be scorchio later...all this chilly~hot~warm weather puts a real strain on my limited wardrobe...what does one wear?!:D😎
That's so unfair, after a virtuous bedtime snack like that. At least mine was due to the sinful sliver of lemon drizzle cake I ate after coming in from the garden!
Morning all, a very nice HS 5.2 today :D
5.6 this morning. I've been a bit naughty the last few days and eaten some things I oughtn't have. 🙂 I fell onto the edge of the bath and bruised ribs. Feel as though I've been beaten up. Must be more careful. 😉