Group 7-day waking average?

Morning everyone 🙂 a rather surprising 4.7 even after a biscuit for a 5.9 at bedtime, all I did last night was walk round a couple of supermarkets 🙄 hope everyone has a fab day :D x
Keep an eye on those numbers @Kaylz, in case you need to reduce your Tresiba dose. My insulin requirements have come down quite a bit lately due to the longer and warmer days 🙂
Morning all on a damp bank holiday. 4.8 despite going to bed on a post gardening hypo treated 9.2 Going to slap a new sensor on for the 1st to see what's happening overnight. looks like a basal reduction is in order.

Enough of my blathering. A good bank holiday to one and all.
Seems like there's a team of us out there gardening khskel over this Bank Holiday...I'm shattered by it...hoping my gardening phase wears off soon...before it wears me out.
Keep an eye on those numbers @Kaylz, in case you need to reduce your Tresiba dose. My insulin requirements have come down quite a bit lately due to the longer and warmer days 🙂
Will do hun thanks, have another catch up call with the DSN at some point this week anyway as she said she was going to phone back and see how the reduction for my breakfast bolus was going, and to see if I'd tried anything different for my breakfast as that was one of the goals she set me 🙄 quite enjoying this toast and peanut butter after months of granola and yoghurt though :D lol x
Blimey Barbara...a real feast...was about to say...7.4 how did you get away with that?...then...remembered my excesses this week...Kit Kat...those extra thin chocolate digestives (great idea in theory.. but in practice just meant I ate more of them)...not to mention the MIlky I'm saying nought😱😱😱.

Yeh I was surprised Bubbsie but was OH 60th and would of been rude not to lol, don't feel so bad as was really good all week. You've had great numbers all things considered with your choccy treats lol. More celebrations next weekend with family so will be no doubt a bit naughty again 😎
Good morning all 🙂 And some great numbers despite the treats! 😉
It's a 7.2 for me. Not bad really as had family round and like Browser we had fajitas but with choc fudge cake after! But I honestly didn't have desert so that's prob why I wasn't higher today.
Stitch is it tomorrow you see your GP? Sorry I know it's soon but not sure when. Wishing you a positive appt and hope you see those elusive single figures soon xx
Seems like there's a team of us out there gardening khskel over this Bank Holiday...I'm shattered by it...hoping my gardening phase wears off soon...before it wears me out.
Your all making me jealous being able to garden, as I am only able to do limited deadheading, and limited greenhouse potting up, at the moment.
Your all making me jealous being able to garden, as I am only able to do limited deadheading, and limited greenhouse potting up, at the moment.
grovesy no need to be jealous...I use the term 'gardening' loosely...really trying to make it look less messy...shoving what I think will grow wherever there is space...and cutting the grass (what Harry has left of it)...wait until that knee is back in tip top condition...I have no doubt you will put me to friends think it's hilarious I call it 'gardening'...and I won't mention the language used when I drag my sorry old carcass out there to push it beyond it's capabilities😱😱😱.
Yeh I was surprised Bubbsie but was OH 60th and would of been rude not to lol, don't feel so bad as was really good all week. You've had great numbers all things considered with your choccy treats lol. More celebrations next weekend with family so will be no doubt a bit naughty again 😎
Good for you Barbara...don't worry about next weekend...I'll write you a're excused...just for the weekend mind.
A deserved 7.2 this rainy Bank Holiday Monday after a heavier carb Sunday than wise. The relative who had the strawberry cheecake waiting for me means well! 😱
Yeah Amigo...but...did it taste good...if so...why not:D.
Well, dunno if it's the weather or what, but I had a 4.9's a bit fresher after the rain today, so it's a 5.5 this morning.
14.7 for me today. Sorry been very unwell after being rushed to hospital from work on Thursday with chest pains which turned out to be pleurisy bg was 17 when taken in ambulance. Am starting to feel better but still feel incredible tired and woozy, with feeling light headed.
14.7 for me today. Sorry been very unwell after being rushed to hospital from work on Thursday with chest pains which turned out to be pleurisy bg was 17 when taken in ambulance. Am starting to feel better but still feel incredible tired and woozy, with feeling light headed.
OMG get better soon hun!! xx ((hugs)) x
14.7 for me today. Sorry been very unwell after being rushed to hospital from work on Thursday with chest pains which turned out to be pleurisy bg was 17 when taken in ambulance. Am starting to feel better but still feel incredible tired and woozy, with feeling light headed.
Sorry to hear this hope you get better soon.
14.7 for me today. Sorry been very unwell after being rushed to hospital from work on Thursday with chest pains which turned out to be pleurisy bg was 17 when taken in ambulance. Am starting to feel better but still feel incredible tired and woozy, with feeling light headed.
Hope you're feeling better very soon x
14.7 for me today. Sorry been very unwell after being rushed to hospital from work on Thursday with chest pains which turned out to be pleurisy bg was 17 when taken in ambulance. Am starting to feel better but still feel incredible tired and woozy, with feeling light headed.
Really sorry to hear this Lorraine :( I hope you are feeling much better very soon {{{HUGS}}}