Group 7-day waking average?

On order Bubbs - yep alls well thanks x
Good to hear that WL...had such a lot to do yesterday...noticed your absence...missed it...fingers crossed they arrive asap.
Morning all. 8.0 for me so getting better
Morning all. Room for another on that 6.1 step Northie?

Off to vampire this morning for fortnightly dermatology and 6 monthly liver specialist bloods. What joy 🙄
Morning all. Room for another on that 6.1 step Northie?

Off to vampire this morning for fortnightly dermatology and 6 monthly liver specialist bloods. What joy 🙄
Sounds like a laugh a minute! 😱 😉 Hope everything goes smoothly and results are good 🙂
Morning all, 11.6 for me today.
Morning lovelies, 4.6 for me even with the biscuit for a bed time 5.3 guess that's what trailing about from 8am until 3pm does to you 🙄 x
7.1 for me and off for my Hba1c blood test this morning.
Morning all. Room for another on that 6.1 step Northie?

Off to vampire this morning for fortnightly dermatology and 6 monthly liver specialist bloods. What joy 🙄
I hope she's a good vampire and you get good results.
I hope she's a good vampire and you get good results.

Having to go every fortnight for dermatology, we're on first names terms. It'll be Charmaine or Kevin :D
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