Group 7-day waking average?

Woke up to 6.3 this morning
@Davo shame, just when you thought you'd kicked the 3's into touch - still, 6.3 is ok fine x
Take care
6.8 for me this morning
Morning...hard day yesterday...last night broke into the biscuits...shortbread (2)...digestives (1)...dreading testing this morning...woke to a 5.5...thought that couldn't be right...tried I guess it is?
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Hello all, won't say 'good' morning because it isn't. :( Daughter rang me up at 5 with the horrible news. RIP those poor lost ones and the injured. I hope I don't know anybody involved but even if you don't know them it's poor innocent people, there's no rhyme or reason for this senseless violence. I hope they rot in hell, those responsible. I was frightened at the thought of going out today, selfishly, but I only have to go into Old Trafford and not actually into town thank goodness.

A 6.4 for me this morning on the Codefree, which I'm okay with as I feel this is equivalent to a 5.4 on the Contour.
Not that it matters really in light of what happened in Manchester but its a 6.8 from me this morning, Stay safe folks.
Good morning folks it's another sunny morning here. A not so good 7.6 this morning. Think I overdone my snack for a 5.1 before bed:(
OMG Such Terrible news about Manchester.
Morning guys, 5.9 here hope anyone down that way stays safe x
Bl***y dreadful thing to happen to everyone concerned. This world is not the place it used to be.

Budge up @Anthony Stirrat, a 6.1 for me as well after 30mins pottering about.
Terrible news from Manchester this morning.

11.3 for me today. Off to have my dental sedation this morning. Not really looking forward to it.
Good Luck @Stitch147 . At least once you're under you won't know a thing about it, and hopefully it won't feel too bad once you come round.