Group 7-day waking average?

Just popping in to say happy good Sunday morning peeps!
No strips to test but I would hazard a guess that my waking bgl could be around the 5.4 - 5.6

@Flower I do hope you're feeling more yourself today x
@Robin nice to get a Hspec now & then, well done x
@Bubbsie good number considering!

Wishing you all a quiet day meaning less of the lawn mowers & outside DIY!
Take care of yourselves folks x
WL shouldn't have mentioned that WL...grass badly needs cutting...ignoring it for now...going out there shortly...will be wearing me shades...pretending I haven't noticed the overgrowth...have a good day.
I was like you Bubbsie I ate foods I would not normally. The only difference being you got a good result, mine today was a disappointing 10.6
Davo...that's happened to me too...several times...think my numbers were okay since I'd eaten little all day yesterday...however...some days when I've eaten the 'right' things...suddenly...high waking numbers...used to really get to more relaxed about that...usually get the levels down later in the day...used to get quite fixated about it...then decided not to is as it is...sometimes no logic behind our BG particular reason...just occasionally 'Betty' like to remind us she is ever present...just in case we ever get complacent (as if we would😉)..have a good day...enjoy the rest of your weekend...don't fret too much on those waking numbers...its the overall figure that counts.
Morning all. 🙂 6.8 @ 6.20am. I was trying to have a lie in after watching Dr Mosley's sleep documentary. Fat chance with Mum's cat biting me up for food and then going back to bed with Mum while I'm up and doing! 😡
Ah liddle puddy cat hungry - as you say Ditto fat chance of a lie in where there's cats about - I used to cat sit for my daughters Siamese & stay overnight - but she used to wake me up with her paw stroking my face wanting her breakfast - she was a cutie - sadly she died at the ripe old age of 21. We still miss her bless x
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@Bubbsie I tend to not overly worry about my bgls these says - If I get an exceptionally high then obviously this will concern me - too late to do anything about it afterwards but wiĺl do a recky on the next days menu to ensure it doesn't recur - every day is a challenge in some form or another - just have to keep at it & hope for the best x
I was a 6.2 this morning at the ungodly hour of 6.30am.
Good morning 🙂 5.6 for me today 🙂 Thinking about putting my second Libre sensor on today - hope it proves as accurate and reliable as the first! 🙂
Snap Alan...budge over (please).
Good morning everyone. Suns out again here 🙂 I have a HS today too, much better than yesterday's 9.7.

Good morning 🙂 5.6 for me today 🙂 Thinking about putting my second Libre sensor on today - hope it proves as accurate and reliable as the first! 🙂
@Northerner, Hope its as accurate as the last one. I was amazed at how close your readings were.
Morning...hectic weekend...busy...busy...busy...worked myself up into a frenzy of home improvements...gardening...those two areas are benefitting from all that hard work...looking the other hand like something from one of those 'low budget' Hammer Horror Films (for those of you old enough to remember them)...woke to a 5.6 today.
Good morning everyone. Suns out again here 🙂 I have a HS today too, much better than yesterday's 9.7.

@Northerner, Hope its as accurate as the last one. I was amazed at how close your readings were.
Great start to your day Lin...good going!
After a mad weekend away and some not so friendly db food I'm surprised to be a 6.7 this morning. Now to enjoy the sunshine 🙂
Morning all. A 6.1 today and after almost 7 weeks of work being done on the house ( for now), the last carpet goes down this morning :confused: Peace will hopefully descend again :D
10.1 for me, but good sleep with no coughing. Started day with good food choices, so here's hoping it continues(but have made packed lunch). Have a good day all
Morning guys 🙂 make room for a little one please @khskel 6.3 for me too (biscuit induced as was 5.5 last night lol) x