Group 7-day waking average?

I got a 8.5 this morning and I'm going wth were did that come from as it was 6.3 at midnight last night. My liver is being a sod me thinks
Have been following the news of Manchester's terrible tragedy - a senseless, horrific & atrocious attack on innocent people. My heartfelt sympathy & thoughts are with those poor victims families & to those injured.

Take care & stay safe everyone.
No bgl today.
Terrible news from Manchester this morning.

11.3 for me today. Off to have my dental sedation this morning. Not really looking forward to it.
How are you Stitch after your visit to your Dentist? x
I'm OK thanks WL and everyone else that has asked. I have to go back to have a wisdom tooth out as its on the opposite side that was done today. I don't remember much from this morning at all! Nice bruise on the back of my hand from the cannula.
I'm OK thanks WL and everyone else that has asked. I have to go back to have a wisdom tooth out as its on the opposite side that was done today. I don't remember much from this morning at all! Nice bruise on the back of my hand from the cannula.
Glad it is done and dusted. Good luck for the wisdom tooth extraction.
On a very sad day I woke to a reading of 5.2
@Stitch - glad you are OK. I am with you hate dental treatment
Urghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...fell asleep in the big fat comfy chair at 11pm last night...woke up at 5am...had a good sleep...5.8 this morning...need a really good stretcho_O.
Terrible news from Manchester this morning.

11.3 fore today. Off to have my dental sedation this morning. Not really looking forward to it.
Missed this yesterday Stitch...hope all went well and that tooth is dealt with.