Group 7-day waking average?

@wirralass are you not all bruised too I've done it by accident and it hurts like hell bad enough it in the device.
Thanks for your concern Dolly but I'm only testing once, sometimes twice a day atm. Oddly enough no bruising - unlike a few weeks ago when I tested 8 times daily with lancet device - my fingers & thumbs were badly bruised til @Northerner put me wise x

Dx Type2 April 2016
Metformin withdrawn
Diet and exercise only
I know Bubbsie - still waiting for new meter - think it's going to Kingdom come on its way here!! Haven't a clue where the lancing device has disappeared to - I'm wondering if that scheming DF 😱 has got something to do with it which - wouldn't surprise me 🙄 x
You need to contact the suppliers and ask them where it is!
Morning...6.5 today.
Good morning folks. 5.7 today 🙂
I was supposed to be getting a new sharps bin yesterday. Put my old one out for collection Sunday night, it's still sitting there looking all forlorn and no new bin. I'm going to raid the recycling for an empty can of Lilt
Morning all and spring has sprung or was that yesterday? 5.3 for me. 2 units levemir last night and the early morning DP much reduced. Better watch for any untoward effects during the day. Visit the vampires on the way to work for my review next week. Have a good day all.
Morning all. Straight 6.0 from me.
Morning, What a lovely sunny start to the day! And a 7.5 for me.
Morning! It's a 6.6 from me. Since when did the Spring equinox move from the 21st to the 20th? Or did I get it wrong all these years?
Morning folks.🙂 4.7 here after a sneaky crack 'o dawn hypo - you're right, Wirralass and Robin, the DF is feeling mischievous. Beware, fellow diabetics!😱:D
Morning all and spring has sprung or was that yesterday? 5.3 for me. 2 units levemir last night and the early morning DP much reduced. Better watch for any untoward effects during the day. Visit the vampires on the way to work for my review next week. Have a good day all.
Good luck with the Vamps khskel...great start to the working day😱...early appointment...good to get it out of the way.
Morning! It's a 6.6 from me. Since when did the Spring equinox move from the 21st to the 20th? Or did I get it wrong all these years?
I was surprised too. I think it's something to do with how close we are to the previous/next leap year.
7.1 here, not weather related, more to do with the bits of chocolate orange that OH offered me yesterday evening ( which I accepted, obv)
Morning guys 6.7 here and a very cold start to the day :( wish I could go back to my cozy bed lol x
Hope your appointment with Paul gets you the answers you are looking for.
Thank you 🙂 appointment is at 11, bus at 10:18 so just to get my hair straightened and have another nice hot cup of coffee before I go lol x