Group 7-day waking average?

oh dear - a disappointing 6.6 of those diabetes Mondays...a blip...just a blip...don't be tomorrow 'Betty' will be sorry she tangled with ya...🙂.
Good luck Bubbsie, hope you have good appointment and can rest and recover after.
Morning Jo...feel I may have misled folks here (unintentionally...honest)...the anti-coagulation clinic this morning... just a little prick...then it's all over (slightly ambiguous comment...make what you will of it...but so appropriate)...get slightly wound playing control over the numbers...hoping for a big three or as near as I can get...Thank you.
Morning all, Back up to a 7.9 for me this morning.
Morning Jo...feel I may have misled folks here (unintentionally...honest)...the anti-coagulation clinic this morning... just a little prick...then it's all over (slightly ambiguous comment...make what you will of it...but so appropriate)...get slightly wound playing control over the numbers...hoping for a big three or as near as I can get...Thank you.
I know how much this means to you so glad you told us! Wishing you a three today.
Morning all.🙂 9.6 here. Think it must've been the pasta I had for dinner🙄 - haven't eaten pasta for aaaages, yum! Best go easy on the experiments this week cos I'm in 'the HbA1c zone'.:confused:

Apparently, spring starts at 11.29 am tomoz and (guess what?) it's rain rain rain forecast all week long.😱😉
Morning all. Just as I was muttering, 'need to up my basal' over the weekend, I get 4.3 this morning. Has someone let the DF out of her cage again?
Morning peeps 7.7 here I just can't seem to get anywhere at all just now :(, woke up to very bad rain at 7 but it's no blue skys and sun coming out x
Morning all, 10 (sorry Kooky, but my nails look nice!) for me today. 2 days left at work then off on holiday, cant wait.
Good morning all 🙂 and 7.2 today. Had a terrible night with hot toes! They were burning but doesn't look like chilblains. Just a bit pink.
Good luck with your test today Bubbsie. Hope it's a 3!
Good morning 🙂 4.0 for me and not even any nice nails to make up for the big zero.

Braving town for the first time in ages today, how long before I get the 'didn't your parachute open love' comment, stopwatch set! 😉
Hope your day goes well @Flower, and you don't encounter too many 'cheery' comments! 🙂
Morning all, a 5.6 today.
Tired this morning...6.5 today...not this morning...always get slightly wound up!
Hi Bubbsie - understandable - hope I'm not too late in wishing you good luck for this morning - if I am then - I trust all went well - 6.5 seems OK under the said circumstances - it's still a good number with or without clinic x