Group 7-day waking average?

Hi Bubbsie - understandable - hope I'm not too late in wishing you good luck for this morning - if I am then - I trust all went well - 6.5 seems OK under the said circumstances - it's still a good number with or without clinic x
Didn't quite get those numbers this morning WL...INR down again...not by too much...back there again next week...think they just like me really ...thanks.
Didn't quite get those numbers this morning WL...INR down again...not by too much...back there again next week...think they just like me really ...thanks.
Oh no ! Sorry to hear this Bubbsie - keep persevering - you'll get there eventually x
Sorry to hear that Bubbsie, I reckon they just enjoy seeing you.
Sorry to hear that Bubbsie, I reckon they just enjoy seeing you.
Funny Stitch...that's just what I was thinking...or rather trying to convince myself that was the REAL reason:D:D:D.
Oh no , sorry it is not stabilising more.
Just a bit of a pain grovesy...had got to two week back to weekly the grand scheme of things could be a lot worse...bit like playing snakes & ladders...thanks
Oh no ! Sorry to hear this Bubbsie - keep persevering - you'll get there eventually x
Thanks WL...yes...eventually...not too far off it really...just a bit of a nuisance going every week😱😱😱.
Afternoon peeps!
Another day of stabbing without device! 😱 OUCH!
5.6 at 9am. I'm pleased with this.
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I've been away so here are my waking results from a few days
Friday 7.7
Saturday 11.0 have cold
Sunday 6.8
Today 7.2

Only one day it was high so can't grumble as I was feeling crap. The joys of showing dogs outdoors in the pissing rain with no cover.
I've been eating but not my normal amount as I just can't but drinking water though.
Afternoon peeps!
Another day of stabbing without device! 😱 OUCH!
5.6 at 9am. I'm pleased with this.
Hi wirral you more then likely have explained and I've missed it but what are you using to stab?
If @wirralass is still using the same method as she was I think she is just using a lancet without the device x
Morning all. Just as I was muttering, 'need to up my basal' over the weekend, I get 4.3 this morning. Has someone let the DF out of her cage again?
Maybe it wasn't the pasta after all...and I was about to lower my basal.🙄😱:confused:
Afternoon peeps!
Another day of stabbing without device! 😱 OUCH!
5.6 at 9am. I'm pleased with this.
For goodness sake WL...where is your lancing device...I've done that in an emergency...but you've been doing it for weeks...those poor fingers...OUCH!!!!
I know Bubbsie - still waiting for new meter - think it's going to Kingdom come on its way here!! Haven't a clue where the lancing device has disappeared to - I'm wondering if that scheming DF 😱 has got something to do with it which - wouldn't surprise me 🙄 x