Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning all 🙂 and 7.5 today. Hoping to get lower as been trying extra hard lately. Must keep it up!
5.2 this morning

staying put today LOTS of snow, travelling will not be fun
6.5 today thanks to increasing my basal by a third - that's an extra nine units a day!!
Good morning, 5.9 @ 7.35. Had been up half an hour though, but by the time I'd messed about putting the hamster in it's ball and what have you...I must remember to just go straight to the side where I keep my meter and do it first thing. 🙂

Glorious, sunny, breezy day, happy Spring y'all.
I was surprised too. I think it's something to do with how close we are to the previous/next leap year.
7.1 here, not weather related, more to do with the bits of chocolate orange that OH offered me yesterday evening ( which I accepted, obv)
Not your fault Robin...I blame the OH and of course the diabetes...really...what self respecting person could refuse C/O?...any left?
Not your fault Robin...I blame the OH and of course the diabetes...really...what self respecting person could refuse C/O?...any left?
No, sorry, he and the kids ate all the rest. However, I have inside information that there will be a Toblerone knocking round the house this weekend....
Thanks @Flower, it did indeed go very well and I feel much happier and confident now, my average over the past 7 days is 7.2 so even though not ideal it's not a big deal, Paul has told me to loosen up and just go with life rather than hanging on to the numbers my meter gives me, I feel quite positive now and he has said if I need to speak to someone before my next appointment in April to email him or Alison (the woman I have seen the past twice) so I'm looking forward to being a bit happier etc 🙂 x
Thanks @Flower, it did indeed go very well and I feel much happier and confident now, my average over the past 7 days is 7.2 so even though not ideal it's not a big deal, Paul has told me to loosen up and just go with life rather than hanging on to the numbers my meter gives me, I feel quite positive now and he has said if I need to speak to someone before my next appointment in April to email him or Alison (the woman I have seen the past twice) so I'm looking forward to being a bit happier etc 🙂 x
Glad it went well, Kaylz!
Thanks @Flower, it did indeed go very well and I feel much happier and confident now, my average over the past 7 days is 7.2 so even though not ideal it's not a big deal, Paul has told me to loosen up and just go with life rather than hanging on to the numbers my meter gives me, I feel quite positive now and he has said if I need to speak to someone before my next appointment in April to email him or Alison (the woman I have seen the past twice) so I'm looking forward to being a bit happier etc 🙂 x
Glad it went well and you are feeling for that Kit Kat
I was surprised too. I think it's something to do with how close we are to the previous/next leap year.
7.1 here, not weather related, more to do with the bits of chocolate orange that OH offered me yesterday evening ( which I accepted, obv)
Chocolate orange? To die for!!!
Morning all, 9.9 for me today. Last day in the office before my holiday. Cant wait.
Have a wonderful holiday Stitch, come back refreshed & ready to tackle the world We don't mind if you leave the DF behind - Erm....on this occasion! 🙂 Take care & safe journey x
Wakey wakey Bubbsie!

First in the queue with a 5.2

Happy good morning peeps! (It's raining cats & dogs here😱

Hope you all have good numbers too
Wakey wakey Bubbsie!

First in the queue with a 5.2

Happy good morning peeps! (It's raining cats & dogs here😱

Hope you all have good numbers too
House special for you WL...could hear you squeal as that lancet hit your finger...any sign of the errant testing kit yet?...wide awake at 4am (again) for a spot of blood letting this morning...HbA1c time I look forward to that😱😱😱.