Group 7-day waking average?

Morning...6.1 today.
House special for you WL...could hear you squeal as that lancet hit your finger...any sign of the errant testing kit yet?...wide awake at 4am (again) for a spot of blood letting this morning...HbA1c time I look forward to that😱😱😱.
Good luck x
Morning Bubbsie - and thank you.
Fingers crossed for your HbA1c - and me too - only managed 3hrs sleep myself x
Morning folks.🙂 5.0 here and Lantus has taken up skiing - my Libre showed a black run descent ending in a 3.7 at 4 o'clock.🙄 :confused:

Enjoy that well-deserved holiday, Stitch.😛
Good morning everyone. 5.1 today 🙂
Morning folks.🙂 5.0 here and Lantus has taken up skiing - my Libre showed a black run descent ending in a 3.7 at 4 o'clock.🙄 :confused:

Enjoy that well-deserved holiday, Stitch.😛
Good one Bloden!
House special for you WL...could hear you squeal as that lancet hit your finger...any sign of the errant testing kit yet?...wide awake at 4am (again) for a spot of blood letting this morning...HbA1c time I look forward to that😱😱😱.
Good luck with HBA1C.
Morning all, 10.9 for me today. Won't be about much after this morning. Off for some sunshine and warmth. See you all in about 12 days. Hope any appointments and stuff that people have go well. Stay safe and look after yourself everyone's. Speak soon. X
Morning all, 10.9 for me today. Won't be about much after this morning. Off for some sunshine and warmth. See you all in about 12 days. Hope any appointments and stuff that people have go well. Stay safe and look after yourself everyone's. Speak soon. X
Enjoy the warmth and sunshine, and have a good holiday.