Group 7-day waking average?

Due to connection problems I've not been posting regularly so here's the week at one go...

Mon 5.1
Tue 5.6
Wed 6.8
Thu 6.6
Fri 6.1

The 6s are due to my going off Atkins and trying SlimFast shakes and Weight Watchers ready meals. Thought I'd give it a whirl to try and lose weight quickly. Didn't work and elevated my BG. 😱

Back to the Atkins from now on...dunno why I ever go off it. 🙂
Id be over the moon with a 6.8!!!
Id be over the moon with a 6.8!!!
(((hugs))) I keep forgetting this. I went up to 8.2 yesterday after a huge bender so it's back to the Atkins today. It scares me to go high. However, I was expecting to go into double figures and seeing as I didn't it makes me go into denial again thinking they must have got it wrong. I will post what I ate on the menu thread, I went crazy! 😱
Due to connection problems I've not been posting regularly so here's the week at one go...

Mon 5.1
Tue 5.6
Wed 6.8
Thu 6.6
Fri 6.1

The 6s are due to my going off Atkins and trying SlimFast shakes and Weight Watchers ready meals. Thought I'd give it a whirl to try and lose weight quickly. Didn't work and elevated my BG. 😱

Back to the Atkins from now on...dunno why I ever go off it. 🙂
Ditto...those numbers are absolutely fine.
Thanks Bubbsie.....I really hope so!
Exactly the same way I started Lucy...initially in the 17's (nightmare)...not testing then...then tested...first the 8's...then the 7's...6's and so regularly in the 5's...taken me over six months...prefer to take it nice & steady...that way you can sustain/ maintain it long term (my opinion)'ll be there soon enough... don't rush yourself...well done...enjoy your weekend.
Exactly the same way I started Lucy...initially in the 17's (nightmare)...not testing then...then tested...first the 8's...then the 7's...6's and so regularly in the 5's...taken me over six months...prefer to take it nice & steady...that way you can sustain/ maintain it long term (my opinion)'ll be there soon enough... don't rush yourself...well done...enjoy your weekend.
Thanks again Bubbsie. I've been 'properly' trying now since the beginning of Feb (was a bit half-assed last year in all honesty) so only just over a month and I'm pleased with that. Like you say, the last thing I want to do is rush, push myself too far and completely fall off the wagon......which is exactly what I did last year and never got back on!! It's a life change this time around, so I'm taking my time 🙂
Ah well maybe your veins will be full of sludge yet, and your bloods won't draw into the needle...
Or, just plain good luck for you anyways: it's close enough to St. Paddy's day so luck will be with you! 🙂
She did have a job getting the blood out. That's probably why.😱
Good morning everyone. It's 6.9 from sunny Kup

@Northerner . Boy you're a sight for sore eyes, we've all been so worried about you. I hope you're feeling a lot better now. .
Right now lads and lasses, he's back, so we've got to behave ourselves no more running amock and giving our MODs hell, ok.
Had to don my specs there Ljc!
Morning...5am start again...6.3 today...not what I wanted...but better than expected🙂
Morning people its a ,,5.5 for me today x
Good morning folks 🙂 and 7.1 today.
Way to early start for me. Definately not a morning person!
Me neither Linda...can't sleep much past 5am nowadays...must be something in the air (summer?).
Morning all. A 6.8 after a badly estimated cornflake crispy. Have a good weekend.
Morning all. A 6.8 after a badly estimated cornflake crispy. Have a good weekend.
khskel...6.8 not so bad...cornflake crispy...tempting!
Wow I managed a 6.7 this morning but only as a result of increasing my basal (temporary basal rate) by a third all night AND only having 20 carbs of dinner. I really don't know what's going on with my body at the moment as its wanting increasingly larger amounts of insulin and even then it's fire fighting. I don't know if it's the gastroparesis, stress or a combination. But I don't want to stick to low carb because 50g carb for my evening meal is Usualky perfect for the Gastroparesis. Anyhow I'm going to celebrate the 6.7 and thank goodness for my pump 🙂
Morning all, 11.3 for me today.
Wow I managed a 6.7 this morning but only as a result of increasing my basal (temporary basal rate) by a third all night AND only having 20 carbs of dinner. I really don't know what's going on with my body at the moment as its wanting increasingly larger amounts of insulin and even then it's fire fighting. I don't know if it's the gastroparesis, stress or a combination. But I don't want to stick to low carb because 50g carb for my evening meal is Usualky perfect for the Gastroparesis. Anyhow I'm going to celebrate the 6.7 and thank goodness for my pump 🙂
Basal...carbs...insulin...all Greek to me AJ ( I'm rubbish at this diabetes lark)...but 6.8 sounds good...if you're happy...then I'm happy...enjoy your weekend.

ps can't even get the figures right...of course I meant 6.7...oops!