Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning 🙂 6.6 for me today, not bad after a 7.7 before bed. I've been very poorly over the past few days with a vicious strain of manflu :( Ironically, I'm guessing it's something I picked up from the surgery where I received a glowing report on my health at my annual review 🙄 I'm getting paranoid about going to the surgery nowadays - it's full of sick people :(
Aw, poor you.:( Hope you're on the mend, Northie.

Nothing as bad as you, but I've got a head full of snot after a visit to the hozzie on Wed. There were signs everywhere saying "If you've got a cough or fever, put on one of these masks". For some reason the poor woman cough, cough, coughing in the waiting area seemed to think it didn't apply to her...grrr.

Morning all.🙂 Strangely, a 4.6 for me.
Aw Hazel...know exactly how you feel...and that was some nap you took!!!...rarely seem to sleep past 4/5am nowadays irrespective of what time I go to bed...yes...we need to come up with a go first:D:D:D.
it is so awful not getting enough sleep, wishing @Hazel and @Bubbsie a long sleep tonight and every night. 🙂
Glad to see you back Northie, hope you are feeling better. 10.4 for me today
Hope you're feeling better, Northie! That explains a lot, the DF obviously took wing to escape the germs and has been plaguing the rest of us this past week.
7.3 here today, not too shabby seeing as I was on the Black Forest Gateau last night.(family celebration, carbs for those don't count)
Hope you're feeling better, Northie! That explains a lot, the DF obviously took wing to escape the germs and has been plaguing the rest of us this past week.
7.3 here today, not too shabby seeing as I was on the Black Forest Gateau last night.(family celebration, carbs for those don't count)

Black Forest Gateau! I will be driving through there enroute to Southern Gemany end of next week, The temptation to stop off for a sample is going to be huge 🙂
Welcome back @Northerner 🙂 same as @Robin with a 7.3 I don't have Gateau to blame though :( lol, I'm now away to curl up on the sofa and feel sorry for myself due to a very sore leg (note to self do not try and shake your slipper of your foot as you'll end up in a heap on the floor) your welcome to laugh, my mum did as she was helping me up x
Good morning all 🙂 and a shocking 8.1 today. Not sure I want to keep watching my BG go up. Not a good way to start each day :(
Anyway it's great to hear you're feeling better Northerner. There's been some really bad cases of man and woman flu around this year. Sure you've no choice but to take it easy awhile longer. The gardening can wait! 😉
Good luck with your blood test today Mark.
And hope all you non sleepers can stay awake til bedtime and have a better one tonight 🙂
Good morning all 🙂 and a shocking 8.1 today. Not sure I want to keep watching my BG go up. Not a good way to start each day :(
Anyway it's great to hear you're feeling better Northerner. There's been some really bad cases of man and woman flu around this year. Sure you've no choice but to take it easy awhile longer. The gardening can wait! 😉
Good luck with your blood test today Mark.
And hope all you non sleepers can stay awake til bedtime and have a better one tonight 🙂 should have said that earlier...just had a half hour enjoyed those 30 minutes of bliss...have a lovely weekend:D.
it is so awful not getting enough sleep, wishing @Hazel and @Bubbsie a long sleep tonight and every night. 🙂
Just sneaked a half hour nap off to Walk Harry who has been sitting there expectantly waiting to get out into that gorgeous sunshine while it lasts...have a lovely weekend.
Good morning everyone. It's 6.9 from sunny Kup
Good morning 🙂 6.6 for me today, not bad after a 7.7 before bed. I've been very poorly over the past few days with a vicious strain of manflu :( Ironically, I'm guessing it's something I picked up from the surgery where I received a glowing report on my health at my annual review 🙄 I'm getting paranoid about going to the surgery nowadays - it's full of sick people :(
@Northerner . Boy you're a sight for sore eyes, we've all been so worried about you. I hope you're feeling a lot better now. .
Right now lads and lasses, he's back, so we've got to behave ourselves no more running amock and giving our MODs hell, ok.
Yes, homemade. And huge! Not a slice, it was the whole bloody thing!

Ah well maybe your veins will be full of sludge yet, and your bloods won't draw into the needle...
Or, just plain good luck for you anyways: it's close enough to St. Paddy's day so luck will be with you! 🙂
I'm sorry to hear that you've been feeling so bad Alan. Good to see you back. 11.2 upon waking and 8.0 two hours later 🙂
Glad you're back, Northerner, we've missed you!

A very nice 5.1 for me today, after a succession of 6s 🙂 should have said that earlier...just had a half hour enjoyed those 30 minutes of bliss...have a lovely weekend:D.
I would have interrupted your nap Bubbsie but I was asleep!:D
Ah well maybe your veins will be full of sludge yet, and your bloods won't draw into the needle...
Or, just plain good luck for you anyways: it's close enough to St. Paddy's day so luck will be with you! 🙂
Probably full of gravy Sadhbh!
Sooooooo pleased.......a 7.2 on waking this morning......that's my lowest yet!!!! :D:D It's a good day!
Thanks!! Lovin' your little yay's by the way......super cute :D
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Sooooooo pleased.......a 7.2 on waking this morning......that's my lowest yet!!!! :D:D It's a good day!
yep...plenty more to come Lucy🙂