Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning folks . 6.1 today, with a lovely even line on the graph all night
Sorry but I don't know what INR levels are but we'll done for getting them right. Good for you re fortnightly appointments, another step in the right direction eh?
I take Warfarin for a DVT WL...INR is the International Normalised Ratio...the optimum levels are between 2-3 for it to be effective...if too low then clots could reoccur... too high could risk a major important to have the right balance...very difficult to control it...but...getting there finally.
7.1 a more normal me.
Yep definitely must be relieved...awful when unwell...everything is so out of our own spite of how much effort we put into it...pleased for you.
Morning all its a 5.1 for me this morning x
Wow, this IS a busy thread.:p

Morning all.;) Boo hoo, 12.2. :eek: Wanted to cheer hubby up (long story) so we went out for a meal last night and I'm notoriously rubbish at by-eye carb counts. :( Apparently, I was coasting nicely into range during the night, but then ol' DP showed up to rain on my parade. :confused::)
AJ...'diabetty' is just such a little B***H at times...been a real bumpy journey of late ..regroup...then give the little madam a good whupping...she deserves it!!!
Wow, this IS a busy thread.:p

Morning all.;) Boo hoo, 12.2. :eek: Wanted to cheer hubby up (long story) so we went out for a meal last night and I'm notoriously rubbish at by-eye carb counts. :( Apparently, I was coasting nicely into range during the night, but then ol' DP showed up to rain on my parade. :confused::)
Bloden that DP is a cow at times ...unpredictable...mean spirited...give her a good kicking tomorrow...or if you'd prefer...start later this aid to AJ...she deserves it...hope she's not reading this:eek::eek::eek:.
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7.6 here and a very cold morning too :( x
I take Warfarin for a DVT WL...INR is the International Normalised Ratio...the optimum levels are between 2-3 for it to be effective...if too low then clots could reoccur... too high could risk a major important to have the right balance...very difficult to control it...but...getting there finally.
Thank you for explaining INR Bubbsie. Very pleased for you that you're making good progress. Followings a lung embolism, my late father was on warfarin. I recall visiting him in hospital & he begged me to take him home he said because "They're killing me in here with rat poison". !!! Bless him. It took a little while to convince him 'they' were not! x
7.1 a more normal me.
That's much better Grovesy, glad you're back with us again. I think the did what they were suppised to do. Hope you're feeling much better in yourself now. Just to cheer you up even more, here's a pic of the first bloom on my somewhat overgrown Chamelia.
The cherry one is lower carb than the orange. I have an orange one in the cupboard but haven't tried it yet.
Hi Mark - speaking of chocolate - I was given a bar of Lindt dark noir the other day, orange intense with almonds.:p Haven't tried it....yet!! I daren't but having said that I reckon the Miss Curiosity in me will coax me into tasting just one rather large square! Choccy truffles x 2 before bed? Naughty but nice eh?