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Group 7-day waking average?

Sorry about insomnia, @Hazel It makes for a rough day
@Bubbsie - congratulations, that is worth celebrating.
7.1 for me this morning. Had 7's all week. Maybe I'll start hitting a few 6's soon. I hope.
I have no doubt you will Sadhbh...that is exactly how it happened for me...really pleased when I started to get 8's...then 7's...and the first time I got a 6...posted a thread here...got so excited...working your way down steadily gives optimum results (my opinion)...you'll be there before you know it.
No WL...not my birthday...managed to get my INR levels right for the first time in months...so can move to fortnightly appointments...as opposed to weekly ones...not really celebrating as such...been going on for a few months...get tense before the appointments...no idea what to do with all that adrenalin coursing though my body...even after a good result!!

I have been up all night - insomnia
Snap, so have I Hazel, managed 2hrs light sleep only. No joke this insomnia lark is it? Hope your lack of sleep wasn't anything to do with worrying about anything in particular or feeling poorly - but just one of those nights! I don't know about you but I'll be like a walking zombie later & then I'll have to crash:eek: for a couple of hours. Hope you manage to have a good forty winks later today x
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Had a 55 carb moussaka dinner but still woke up at 11.7 after correcting a 12.5 at 3.30am.
Libre readings were low all night but I think that was because I was laying on the Libre arm.
I have no doubt you will Sadhbh...that is exactly how it happened for me...really pleased when I started to get 8's...then 7's...and the first time I got a 6...posted a thread here...got so excited...working your way down steadily gives optimum results (my opinion)...you'll be there before you know it.

Danger is lurking, though, I am giving myself severe threats. Going to the Theatre Thursday night, tapas bar for pre-theatre. Glasgow always undoes me; and I don't know what tapas is!
But it will be a grand old time. We're going to see Summer Holiday. A local girl is in the cast. Exciting stuff!
Had a 55 carb moussaka dinner but still woke up at 11.7 after correcting a 12.5 at 3.30am.
Libre readings were low all night but I think that was because I was laying on the Libre arm.
Even so AJ I hope you're feeling more yourself now after having a miserable day or so recently. Take care
Hi Wirralass I'm getting there thank you very much.
Good morning all and a 4.4 for me which is a bit low, all my readings have been lower these last few days. Trying to think what I am doing different, maybe having more exercise.
Yes you could be right New-journey but better low than too high
No WL...not my birthday...managed to get my INR levels right for the first time in months...so can move to fortnightly appointments...as opposed to weekly ones...not really celebrating as such...been going on for a few months...get tense before the appointments...no idea what to do with all that adrenalin coursing though my body...even after a good result!!
Sorry but I don't know what INR levels are but we'll done for getting them right. Good for you re fortnightly appointments, another step in the right direction eh?
Morning all! It's a 5.5 from me today. I'm finding that a Lindor dark choc truffle before bed helps with DP.:)
Danger is lurking, though, I am giving myself severe threats. Going to the Theatre Thursday night, tapas bar for pre-theatre. Glasgow always undoes me; and I don't know what tapas is!
But it will be a grand old time. We're going to see Summer Holiday. A local girl is in the cast. Exciting stuff!
Sadhbh...you'll be fine...difficult to define Tapas...so many different varieties...small quantities of each food...meat...fish...sausage...olives...vegetables...too numerous to list here... plenty of choice with it...and lots you will be able to eat without comprising those BG levels...does sound like a wonderful evening...Glasgow...lively place to be...can see how any 'poor girl' may be 'undone' by it...have a lovely evening.
Sorry about insomnia, @Hazel It makes for a rough day
@Bubbsie - congratulations, that is worth celebrating.
7.1 for me this morning. Had 7's all week. Maybe I'll start hitting a few 6's soon. I hope.
7.1 is still a safe-ish number Sadhbh, you're only just round the corner from the 6's. Hope you achieve that soon. Take care
@Bubbsie well done on your INR levels.:)
@Mark Parrott I noticed it was cherry chocolate this time. Does the fruit make a difference at all in your levels? I would love to try the Orange 90% Lindt.
@Mark Parrott I noticed it was cherry chocolate this time. Does the fruit make a difference at all in your levels? I would love to try the Orange 90% Lindt.
The cherry one is lower carb than the orange. I have an orange one in the cupboard but haven't tried it yet.