Group 7-day waking average?

I was 6.7 this morning. Not overly high, but I've got a cold. Nothing to do with last nights chilli con carne with pitta bread. :rolleyes:
I was 6.7 this morning. Not overly high, but I've got a cold. Nothing to do with last nights chilli con carne with pitta bread. :rolleyes:
Of course not Mike! I believe you!
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15.1 when I got up two hours ago and I can't get it down. Feeling pretty fed up with life at the moment.
@AJLang. Ah, I feel so sorry for you Aj, poor you, not a nice place to be in but not surprised you're fed up with everything that's been happening to you of late - enough to turn a brass monkeys b...s to tin! Please do try to relax - if you can, got to lower those numbers. Shall I send round a gorgeous husky male masseur? :rolleyes::DOr would that send your numbers all over the place again?!!!:eek: stay in touch Aj, let us know later how you are, thinking of you. {{{{{Big big big hugs}}}}} The suns cracking the flags here, hope it's shining for you too, take care.
J. x
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Ridiculously early rise for me, but wide awake at 5.2

Have a good day peeps xxx
Good morning everyone. 7.3, on Libre 6.5 and no trending arrow
Morning...5.5 for me today...managed to stay in the 5's all day yesterday...first time ever:):):)
Yay for Bubbsie! :D:D:D
7.1 for more this morning.
little yay for me. :)
You're going down consistently Sadhbh...yes indeed...yay for you...good to get those numbers down steadily...that way I believe it's more sustainable...well done.
Good morning! A rather pleasant 5.6 for me. Nice to see things behaving themselves as I head towards my next HbA1c next week.
Morning all. A 6.6/6.6 for me. Considering the quantity of dextrose tablets consumed yesterday evening that is a minor miracle. Nice and level since about 02:00 so here's to a steady BG day everyone.
Morning all. A 6.6/6.6 for me. Considering the quantity of dextrose tablets consumed yesterday evening that is a minor miracle. Nice and level since about 02:00 so here's to a steady BG day everyone.
That's fantastic especially as you needed a quantity of dextrose yesterday. Hope you're not feeling too rough.
Morning all.:) 10.1 here - oops! My fault...bedtime snack got out of hand. Will I never learn?:rolleyes:

Your Libre amazes me, Khskel. :eek: I always have a 2 mmol difference (at least) between my SD and the Libre. More proof that we're all different.:p
And its a 5.9 for me today x
Morning all, 10.4 for me today.