Group 7-day waking average?

.......I had to stab my finger with a lancet this morning without the Microlet device! :eek: and it took several attempts to do it too OUCH! OUCH! OUCH!:mad: don't know where the flippin device is! Was in the case last night when I did my last test in bed! Suppose I'll find it in a bed sock on the floor at the bottom of the bed under the overhanging duvet! Haha!! :)
OMG gives me nightmares of when I was younger and finger prickles hadn't been invented so I had to jab myself with a lancet several times a day. Lots of sympathy for you.
Good morning everyone. Woke up alive, and after this little bonus recorded a BG of 6.2. Good start to the day, I'd say. :)
Wow, fantastic number Mike, yes a good start to the day, and hopefully more
OMG gives me nightmares of when I was younger and finger prickles hadn't been invented so I had to jab myself with a lancet several times a day. Lots of sympathy for you.
Thank you Aj, you too, worse for a child i would think. Poor you. It makes me cringe just thinking about it :eek: I don't know how I did it because I crunched my eyes shut & hoped for the best:rolleyes:!!!!!
Morning...5.5 today:)...and its freezing!
7.8 Good morning. Good number @Bubbsie
I think cauliflower cheese was not a good bedtime snack! :)
This will be a good week though.
Thanks Sadhbh...I've taken to having a small snack before bedtime...just a little protein though...seems to be working so far (fingers crossed)...went out to lunch yesterday...had Yorkshire enjoyed it...believed we're all entitled to 'stray from the path' occasionally ...extra walking today...even with the cauliflower cheese...still getting those numbers down.
Good morning peeps! Early post today, don't faint Bubbsie!
6.5 for me.
I won't post any more waking bgls til i get my repeat script for test strips....AND I still haven't found my Microlet lancing device, gawd knows where it is:eek: Had to stab my finger again without it this morning OUCH! :eek:
Hope you all get good numbers today.
Good morning everyone. 7.3, on Libre 6.0.
grovesy...been a difficult few weeks for interruption to your usual routine...a set back...things will 'settle' down soon I'm sure.
grovesy...been a difficult few weeks for interruption to your usual routine...a set back...things will 'settle' down soon I'm sure.
I had a more normal last few days but I did go out for meal with other half yesterday so not too surprised at this morning reading. Having been having a few more normal readings.
I had a more normal last few days but I did go out for meal with other half yesterday so not too surprised at this morning reading. Having been having a few more normal readings.
Tricky grovesy...went out for lunch with a friend yesterday...stuffing (the savoury kind...not just me stuffing my face...although come to think of it...I did that too)...and Yorkshire pudding...enjoyed it so much...although after I dragged poor Harry around town for extra walkies...have to have a break from absolute denial occasionally.