Group 7-day waking average?

Morning, nice and bright here. 5.6 for me at 7.47 am and that was after quite a piggy day yesterday. :)

I just won the postcode lottery! A tenner. :D That's the second time I've won a tenner with that postcode.
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@AJLang. Ah, I feel for you Aj, poor you, not a nice place to be in but not surprised you're fed up with everything that's been happening to you of late - do try to relax - if you can, got to lower those numbers. Shall I send round a gorgeous hunky male masseur? :rolleyes::DOr would that send your numbers soaring again!!!:eek: Just a thought! I is thinking of you. {{{{{Big big big hugs}}}}} The sun's cracking the flags here again, hope it's shining for you too, and i do hope you're more uplifted today Aj. take care.
J. x
After a day of lower numbers yesterday and a carb reducing day I've ended up with a waking 7.1! Sometimes it just has a mind of its own!
Yes it does have a mind of its own Amigo...and sometimes it's a right B***H...but...not that bad considering the stress this week...tomorrow will be better.
It was a 7.2 for me today :( x
Morning, nice and bright here. 5.6 for me at 7.47 am and that was after quite a piggy day yesterday. :)

I just won the postcode lottery! A tenner. :D That's the second time I've won a tenner with that postcode.
I won the Postcode Lottery too! Same as you, a tenner.:)
Morning...6.2 today...think I overdid the bedtime snack...opps:oops::oops::oops:
Good Morning peeps!
@Bubbsie. First in the queue again as per usual!!
And ... Yes but not overly up, you can correct it during the day
Good Morning peeps!
@Bubbsie. First in the queue again as per usual!!
And ... Yes but not overly up, you can correct it during the day
Frustratingly yes WL...don't sleep much past 5am nowadays...find it impossible to have a lay in even on a non working day...not overly concerned about the rise...will soon have that down...feeling old & wrecked this morning...may have overdone my celebrating:eek::eek::eek: yesterday.
I can't test my bgl until my 'script for test strips is ready to be collected. Hope you all have good Bgl's this morning & throughout the day.
I'd hazard a guess that my waking bgl is the same as Bubbsie s....6.2
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Frustratingly yes WL...don't sleep much past 5am nowadays...find it impossible to have a lay in even on a non working day...not overly concerned about the rise...will soon have that down...feeling old & wrecked this morning...may have overdone my celebrating:eek::eek::eek: yesterday.
What we're you celebrating? I hope I haven't missed your birthday x
What we're you celebrating? I hope I haven't missed your birthday x
No WL...not my birthday...managed to get my INR levels right for the first time in can move to fortnightly opposed to weekly ones...not really celebrating as such...been going on for a few months...get tense before the idea what to do with all that adrenalin coursing though my body...even after a good result!!
I have been up all night - insomnia

Oh hazel...sorry to hear that...hope you can get some shuteye today...awful when you are sleep deprived...I'm awful after a night with little or no sleep...still managing that BG though... well done....take care of yourself.