Group 7-day waking average?

Very early start for to York today...and it's a 5.2 this morning🙂
Morning folks.🙂 13.3?!😱 The DF knows I'm in the (last month before next A1c) zone and is avvin a larf. :confused:🙂 Roll on the weekend and lots of activity.😛
Difficult first instinct is to say 'don't worry'...which doesn't help much...with me often the anticipation is worse than the actual event...crossing my fingers for you...and hoping after tomorrows appointment you'll get some much needed respite from those nightmares (and some sleep)...will be thinking of you tomorrow...keep us updated...take care...Barbara
Thank you Bubbsie. I'm trying not to worry about it but equally dreading that she will laser
A rushing around 6.6 for me. Have a good day everyone and best wishes for your appointment AJ x
thank you Amigo x
Good morning everyone 10.5 for me. Less than three hours until I know whether increasing my eye drops has worked or if the glaucoma has reached the next stage which would mean having holes lasered round the whole of eye this morning. My glaucoma consultant must love me because she only saw me five weeks ago!
Good morning everyone 10.5 for me. Less than three hours until I know whether increasing my eye drops has worked or if the glaucoma has reached the next stage which would mean having holes lasered round the whole of eye this morning. My glaucoma consultant must love me because she only saw me five weeks ago!
Good luck for the appointment.
Good morning peoples. Don't know what I am this morning as I can't get any blood out. I shall ask about this today as I attend my first meeting of Diabetic Course with my sister. 🙂 Runs till 6th April.

Good luck AJ. I hope you don't need any more treatment and the G is halted in it's tracks.
Good morning folks. 8.1, on Libre 6.5
Good morning everyone 10.5 for me. Less than three hours until I know whether increasing my eye drops has worked or if the glaucoma has reached the next stage which would mean having holes lasered round the whole of eye this morning. My glaucoma consultant must love me because she only saw me five weeks ago!
Good luck Amanda {{{HUGS}}} Hope the drops have done the trick and no extra laser is required 🙂

Congrats on the HS @Bubbsie!

No HS for me - 7.4 today :(
Good morning everyone 10.5 for me. Less than three hours until I know whether increasing my eye drops has worked or if the glaucoma has reached the next stage which would mean having holes lasered round the whole of eye this morning. My glaucoma consultant must love me because she only saw me five weeks ago!
Good luck today.
Morning all! Managed to dig out my meter & was rewarded with a 5.6.🙂 Only 2 weeks til my next HbA1c test.
Morning all, stuck in rut here with 5.3 ( but a nice rut to be in)
Congrats on the HS, Bubbsie.
Good luck at your appointment, AJ.
Good morning all 🙂 and 6.8 today.
Well done on the HS Bubbsie🙂
Best wishes for a good outcome at your appt Amanda.
Hope all goes well today @AJLang 🙂
Morning all, 12.1 for me today. Good luck Amanda
The sun is cracking the flags here so a very good morning to all ye peeps!

I woke up to a 5.7 at 7.00am
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