Group 7-day waking average?

5.9 @ 7.56am. Hope you've all had a good day. 🙂
Good morning everyone. 6.6 today
You're welcome Bloden 🙂:D
I certainly feel welcome. 🙂 This could go on and on!😛

Morning all.🙂 7.5 here.😛

Spring seems to have sprung here in Asturias (a bit early, mind) - I even untucked my vest at work yesterday, I was that warm.🙄 And when I finished at 6.15 the streets were full of runners, cyclists, dog walkers, etc etc - roll on the summer!😎
Good to get some sleep...a 6 today.
Morning all! Don't know bloods this morning. Still haven't unpacked the suitcase from last weekend away & meter is in there somewhere. Just catching up on some posts.
Good morning 7.3 after a night full of nightmares about tomorrow's glaucoma appointment.
Thank you Grovesy. I hope that you're beginning to feel better.
Good morning 7.3 after a night full of nightmares about tomorrow's glaucoma appointment.
Difficult first instinct is to say 'don't worry'...which doesn't help much...with me often the anticipation is worse than the actual event...crossing my fingers for you...and hoping after tomorrows appointment you'll get some much needed respite from those nightmares (and some sleep)...will be thinking of you tomorrow...keep us updated...take care...Barbara
Morning all! Don't know bloods this morning. Still haven't unpacked the suitcase from last weekend away & meter is in there somewhere. Just catching up on some posts.
Marky testing for a few days...really not unpacked yet...hmmn...or have you been on the fish chips & mushy peas again?...:D:D:D...
I am feeling more normal, thank you .
Going to attempt a walk to the library today
Good to hear grovesy...felt awful when I woke yesterday...lack of sleep...sun was shining...took Harry for a walk...perked me up so much...hope you manage to get out for that walk...and the weather is kind to you.