Group 7-day waking average?

A 6.7 for me after a much better than expected haematology consult yesterday. Feeling less stressed now to be honest...started yesterday with a bloody good cry! 😳 Has to be done sometimes!
Great news on both counts Amigo...great results on both counts (repetitive... yes...but...I am tired)...I am a firm believer in a 'good cry' when needed...helps relieve some of that stress you been under...sun shining here this morning...hope it is for you sound mightily relieved...rightly so🙂
A 6.7 for me after a much better than expected haematology consult yesterday. Feeling less stressed now to be honest...started yesterday with a bloody good cry! 😳 Has to be done sometimes!
So glad yesterdays consult went better than you'd anticipated Amigo, now is the time to put your feet up & enjoy a 'Me Time Special' for a while, you deserve it x
So glad yesterdays consult went better than you'd anticipated Amigo, now is the time to put your feet up & enjoy a 'Me Time Special' for a while, you deserve it x

Thanks wirralass, I actually came home and booked a holiday for later in the year. Obviously the condition hasn't improved but it hasn't got too much worse. It's one month at a time! 🙂
Thanks wirralass, I actually came home and booked a holiday for later in the year. Obviously the condition hasn't improved but it hasn't got too much worse. It's one month at a time! 🙂
Good for you, just what the doctor ordered!!! Where are you going? Somewhere warm & sunny I hope, to get away from our terrible British weather! Such a worrying time for you, one month to another, I admire you for being strong & for retaining your sense of humour (Oily fish springs to mind!!) Haha! Take good care of yourself Amigo.
So pleased and relieved for you Amigo. I know it's a constant worry but a good appointment is always gratefully received! And having a holiday to look forward to is an excellent way to celebrate 🙂
@Bubbsie. Sweet dreams.........(are made of this!) Song, don't recall who sang it! See you on here later x
It was the Eurythmics and the wonderful Annie Lennox who sang it wirralass 🙂
Ladies...despite the best efforts of Annie Lennox...sweet dreams seem to be eluding me for the moment...planned to sneak back into bed...have a snooze while everyone else is at those kind of uninterrupted naps the best...but...after a couple of coffees & wide awake...possibly some classic old black & white films later...while seated in the big old comfy chair should be the thing to induce those zzzzzzzzzzzz's ...for an hour or two at the very least.
Ladies...despite the best efforts of Annie Lennox...sweet dreams seem to be eluding me for the moment...planned to sneak back into bed...have a snooze while everyone else is at those kind of uninterrupted naps the best...but...after a couple of coffees & wide awake...possibly some classic old black & white films later...while seated in the big old comfy chair should be the thing to induce those zzzzzzzzzzzz's ...for an hour or two at the very least.

Your mind sounds like mine Bubbsie! My brain is usually racing along the fast lane whilst my body is slumped on the hard shoulder! :D
Ladies...despite the best efforts of Annie Lennox...sweet dreams seem to be eluding me for the moment...planned to sneak back into bed...have a snooze while everyone else is at those kind of uninterrupted naps the best...but...after a couple of coffees & wide awake...possibly some classic old black & white films later...while seated in the big old comfy chair should be the thing to induce those zzzzzzzzzzzz's ...for an hour or two at the very least.
My family tell me I can talk them to sleep, it works too! The only thing is I can never talk myself to sleep! That reminds me, I must buy Valerian & lavender - and a green light bulb! @Amigo ! Hope you manage to get a few hours kip Bubbsie x
Your mind sounds like mine Bubbsie! My brain is usually racing along the fast lane whilst my body is slumped on the hard shoulder! :D
Spot on Amigo...will be using that expression...fits me to a tee...what with that and 'stealing' your mums getting done for plagiarism soon...enjoy that holiday you've booked...well deserved/earned.
My family tell me I can talk them to sleep, it works too! The only thing is I can never talk myself to sleep! That reminds me, I must buy Valerian & lavender - and a green light bulb! @Amigo ! Hope you manage to get a few hours kip Bubbsie x
Cold here WL...but the sun is shining fit to burst...going to shower...get ready...then take 'phat boy' Harry for a little walk...such a shame to waste all that sunshine...some lunch...then that big ol' comfy chair...ooh akin to a mini holiday with my recent working say my hours can be erratic and unsocial would be an understatement.
Ventured out into a bright, cool but pleasant day and no sooner had we stepped from the car than we were pelted with a shower of hailstones! Shouldn't be allowed! 🙄
Ventured out into a bright, cool but pleasant day and no sooner had we stepped from the car than we were pelted with a shower of hailstones! Shouldn't be allowed! 🙄
O B******S Amigo...shouldn't be allowed...just had a fabulous walk with Harry...cold...but lovely crisp sunshine...would have cried had it rained.
Morning all. 6.4 for me despite pancakes and maple syrup. Can I consider myself shriven?
Not so sure about shriven khskel...but so enjoyed the thought of your pancakes & maple syrup...feel satisfied I've 'indulged' myself...albeit vicariously :D:D:D.
Good morning 🙂 and it's an apologetic 7.0 for me. And my nails arnt much cop either! 😱
Hope all is well Flower and to see you on here soon 🙂
Linda...come on...that's so not bad...and I hardly noticed the nails...honestly🙄🙄🙄.