Group 7-day waking average?

So do I the last one took 3 different lots but I was only slightly better after the first lot finished. I did think this time they had done the trick.
Grovesy...may just be taking a while to get your rhythm back...hopefully after the'll be right🙂
Your next after me , I need to have a word in her shell like.
Almost feel sorry for DF(not quite though)...after this mornings punishment...may have to ask stephknits to make another
Unfortunately I think not I have other symptoms of UTI.
I hope they're sending your samples off to be tested rather than just relying on the dipstick tests. Not long ago I had a uti that turned out only to be sensitive to two antibiotics.
I hope you get it sorted soon. These uti's can really pull us down.
Hi all, so sorry I've been rubbish and not been here a while! Wedding stuff is taking over a bit atm. I hope your all ok I've tried to catch up a bit. I was 5.6 this morning which I was pleased with as I'm trying something new atm where I take my levemir every 12hrs roughly which my doc suggested. I didn't know that would help my morning levels so much coz I used to be around 7-9 in the am so anyways enough of me! Happy Friday everyone I promise I'll get better at coming on here!! ❤❤
Good morning peeps & it's an ....Ooops 7.3 for me today😱 Shouldn't have had a late snack:( Everyone's bright & cheerful today, nice way to start the day :D Nose bleed this morning & thumping headache, probably lack of sleep.
@Bubbsie 5.7 & in the right direction.
@grovesy, what a pain, i do hope your GP will sort whatever the problem is, you cant go in like this, you take care now.
@Manda, me too! lol
@Ljc one shrub uprooted yet a teeny weeny daffodil stayed put! Don't want to see Doris again!
@Northerner just under 8 by the skin of your teeth!
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Good morning peeps & it's an ....Ooops 7.3 for me today😱 Shouldn't have had a late snack:( Everyone's bright & cheerful today, nice way to start the day :D Nose bleed this morning & thumping headache, probably lack of sleep.
@Bubbsie 5.7 & in the right direction.
@grovesy, what a pain, i do hope your GP will sort whatever the problem is, you cant go in like this, you take care now.
@Manda, me too! lol
@Ljc one shrub uprooted yet a teeny weeny daffodil stayed put! Don't want to see Doris again!
@Northerner just under 8 by the skin of your teeth!
Very impressed with this bulletin WL... in spite of the nose bleed and headache...try and get your head down if you can...can't bear it when I have to spend the whole day tired and listless...makes me sooooooooooooooo grumpy😡😡😡.
Morning all. A 6.1 for me today. Off to Bridlington today for the weekend. At least Doris has cleared off.🙂
Morning all, 5.9 here, though I was 4.4 an hour ago, that's the Dawn effect for you.
If I'm not happy with a meter reading I'll test again just to make sure....(This meter is off its head sometimes!).of course if the second reading is lower, then I'll diary that!! Cheating? Nah!
Good morning. 14.7 despite last eating at 3pm yesterday despite not eating since 3pm yesterday. But it was a nice lunch 🙂
If I'm not happy with a meter reading I'll test again just to make sure....(This meter is off its head sometimes!).of course if the second reading is lower, then I'll diary that!! Cheating? Nah!
Ive got a Libre sensor on at the moment, so there's no hiding place! I'm now up to 8.4 while I wait for my breakfast insulin to kick in and rescue me.
Good morning all 🙂 Much calmer outside and I'm joining you wirralass with a 7.3
Hope everyone who's feeling a bit off today perks up soon.
Off for a Christmas present spa day with daughter a bit later :D