Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all, 9.6 for me today. Antibiotics are starting to do the job.
Thankfully a much better 6.2 today. It's now obvious that a bad night and joint pain hikes me up a lot :(

Glad the anti-b's are kicking in @Stitch147

Great to see your mum safely back home @New-journey

And enjoy those fish and chips in blustery Bridlington @Mark Parrott

Have a good weekend everyone. My hubbie has had his operation now and is absolutely fine 🙂
That's good new Amigo
Morning all, 9.6 for me today. Antibiotics are starting to do the job.
@Stitch. Good, glad to hear that, they take a while to kick in don't they, I hope they do the trick for you. I always feel yukky on a anti.b's but if they make things better for you then that's all that matter, take care Stitch & look after yourself x
Very impressed with this bulletin WL... in spite of the nose bleed and headache...try and get your head down if you can...can't bear it when I have to spend the whole day tired and listless...makes me sooooooooooooooo grumpy😡😡😡.
Thank you Bubbsie. I can't walk in a straight line when I'm tired - or is that down to D I wonder? I've had to stay awake, expecting a delivery. Right, I'm off to wash lunch dishes, don't have the luxury of a dishwasher :-(
A 6.0 for me today but now up to 8.4 at lunch :( x
Good morning all 🙂 Much calmer outside and I'm joining you wirralass with a 7.3
Hope everyone who's feeling a bit off today perks up soon.
Off for a Christmas present spa day with daughter a bit later :D
I'm sure you will enjoy spending some quality time together, my younger daughter treated me few years ago for the whole day at a spa, had a fabulous (as Sharon Oz would say!) time, well spoilt! x
Almost feel sorry for DF(not quite though)...after this mornings punishment...may have to ask stephknits to make another
Your Avatar. Ah, why have you taken your specs off Bubbsie? This forum is more like a chat show isn't it?:D seems to go quiet after the morning rush hour! Expect it will start again this evening!
A bit low! 😱 Might need an insulin dose adjustment - I would always adjust mine if I woke on less than 5, as there's every possibility you were even lower during the night.

I'm going to keep an eye on it, I had a bit of a stressful night as one of my daughters had a meltdown at midnight because she couldn't get to sleep (she has ASD and can find it hard to 'switch off') and it took me an hour to help her calm down, so wonder if this played a part.
I'm working tonight so will see what happens. Its frustrating as my waking numbers have been good recently 🙄
Thank you Bubbsie. I can't walk in a straight line when I'm tired - or is that down to D I wonder? I've had to stay awake, expecting a delivery. Right, I'm off to wash lunch dishes, don't have the luxury of a dishwasher :-(
I don't sleep much past 5am...irrespective of what time I went to bed...been like that since June last year...when first diagnosed...have other health issues apart from 'Betty'...had a new kitchen put in when moved here...never wanted a dishwasher...can't bear them!
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Your Avatar. Ah, why have you taken your specs off Bubbsie? This forum is more like a chat show isn't it?:D seems to go quiet after the morning rush hour! Expect it will start again this evening!
Because they make me look 'speccy':D
I'm sure you will enjoy spending some quality time together, my younger daughter treated me few years ago for the whole day at a spa, had a fabulous (as Sharon Oz would say!) time, well spoilt! x
It was a really lovely day! Her first spa day whereas I'm a seasoned sparrer-made that word up obs! My favourite pass time 🙂