Group 7-day waking average?

Ha ha Bubbsie. So windy all round then! Milo is on a raw food diet and that helps a lot. Poor Henry (or should I say poor is) can be pretty bad! 😱
Waking bgls:-
Tuesday : 6
Wednesday : 5.4
Today Thurs : 6.5 not surprised!
Afternoon all. Great nights sleep but woke too early, so 5.3 @ 4.47am. Managed to get some blood out at 10.35 before breakfast and it was 6.2! Should it go up that much before I even eat? I'm fed-up of having D, fed-up of trying to coax blood out and more than fed-up of Storm Doris. I think it was because I was stressed. I hate the wind. Mind you, I watched The Kettering Incident, that was a bit tense, so maybe that's why my bg went up. 🙂

Stay in everybody, it's horrible out there.
Morning...5.7 today...hope I am heading back in the right direction.
Good morning 🙂 7.5 for me today :( Not panicking yet...
Morning Alan...a little high for you...hope you're not coming down with something...that dammed 'lurgy' seems to be poking it's ugly head in where it's not wanted...hope it settles down soon.🙂
Good morning everyone. I hope no one had any damage caused by the storm yesterday.
7.6 , 5.9 on Libre
Morning all its a 5.9 for me this morning . I know I am weird but I love all that mad weather!! Lol x
14.1 for me. Despite thinking the Antibiotics had cleared the Urine infection been up in the night with symptoms back. Booked an online appointment for this afternoon.
Good morning 🙂 7.5 for me today :( Not panicking yet...
Shall I give that b....y DF fairy a bounce around the walls for you, honestly it wouldn't be any bother. :D
I hope your higher than normal for you numbers turned out just to be a blip
14.1 for me. Despite thinking the Antibiotics had cleared the Urine infection been up in the night with symptoms back. Booked an online appointment for this afternoon.
Hope it settles down soon grovesy.
Shall I give that b....y DF fairy a bounce around the walls for you, honestly it wouldn't be any bother. :D
I hope your higher than normal for you numbers turned out just to be a blip
When you've finished Lin...pass her over here!!
14.1 for me. Despite thinking the Antibiotics had cleared the Urine infection been up in the night with symptoms back. Booked an online appointment for this afternoon.
Hope it's just your BG taking a while to settle after the uti.