Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all not feeling too well and have woke up to a 6.2 which is a little high for me but hey ho its off to work I must go.:(
Hope you feel better. Take it easy
That must be so frustrating, not to say distressing for your poor Mum :( And for it all to happen when you are psyched up for the operation makes it even worse :( I hope that something can be sorted very soon {{{HUGS}}}
Yes, you have it right. Thanks for the hugs.
Morning all. 15 for me today and I've woken up looking like a hamster. Hopefully i can get a dentist appointment as I suspect I have an abscess. :(
Hope you get that appointment stitch. Good luck
6.2 for me after a appalling day yesterday with my Mum at Bristol hospital as she was meant to be having a major heart operation this morning to have a new heart valve. At 8pm she was told by the surgeon he had just found out she had high platelets so it wasn't safe for her to have the operation. How is it possible he didn't know! She has had tests, several appointments, and her records show she has had them for 8 years. Going back soon and will take her home and start the process to see if she can have a TAVI valve. Just spoken to her and she feels so let down by all the medical professionals. Grrrr
Sorry to hear this about your mum. Hope she gets an alternative soon
Morning all! A rather G&T induced 5.1 today.🙂
@Stitch147 hope you get your hamster face sorted. Nothing worse than an abscess.:(
@New-journey sorry to hear about your mum. How frustrating!😡
Hmmm 4.7 for me today, didn't think i would be that low as had to have a biscuit at bedtime last night (5.1 and really know I shouldn't go to bed on that) x
A very wobbly 5.2 after a night time hypo at 3am of 2.1.

Thumping headache
Reporting in late (I do have a note) ...I've been getting waking readings in the 9s of late but for the last 2 days I've not. I have had 8.9 and 8.8 respectively!!
Not sure that the Humalog 50/50 & 75/25 is doing what it should in the timescale I'd like it to but ...we'll persevere for the time being. I've had daytime readings in the 7s and below recently but on Sunday I went too low (missed a proper lunch) and felt like carp for most of the evening.
6.1 for me. Hope you're all having a good day. 🙂
Aw, just teasing, Grovesy. 😳 I hope you're back to your usual self soon. 🙂
No offence taken.
So do I.I have a diagnosed urine infection, take the last antibiotic tonight, but I have also felt I have been coming down with cold/flu since late Sunday, but nothing has developed, though the last 2 days my BS in the mid teens, unusual for me.
Good morning everyone. After a bit of a rough night of 3.5 , on Libre 2.8 and a couple of lows on Libre as well . I'm supprised to wake on 5.5, on Libre 4.2 I'm also delighted to be bright eyed and bushy tailed too. 🙂
Morning...6.4 today...always seem to wake to a 6 nowadays...down to 5's for the rest of the day...I blame storm Doris...she's on her way!
No offence taken.
So do I.I have a diagnosed urine infection, take the last antibiotic tonight, but I have also felt I have been coming down with cold/flu since late Sunday, but nothing has developed, though the last 2 days my BS in the mid teens, unusual for me.
It never rains, it pours, eh Grovesy? :(Sounds like you need a relaxing weekend and some 'me' time.🙂

Morning all.😛 5.4 here. Hmmmm, summat's up...Lantus is behaving for a change (a perfect drop of 2mmols overnight - unheard of🙄). I'd best be vigilant!😉 Is DF on the prowl?😱:D