Group 7-day waking average? a lay in until 4.45am...6.2 today.
Morning all not feeling too well and have woke up to a 6.2 which is a little high for me but hey ho its off to work I must go.:(
Thanks.Better a little bit this morning. Swimming exercise helped, I reckon.
Morning all not feeling too well and have woke up to a 6.2 which is a little high for me but hey ho its off to work I must go.:(
Hope you both feel better soon Ladies...seems the 'lurgy' is on the prowl...take care of yourselves.
Morning all.🙂 5.3 here.😛

Oh no, not another round of lurgy! :( Hope you're all feeling better asap.

Nice work, Bryan.🙂
Good morning everyone. 7.9 today.
Morning all. 15 for me today and I've woken up looking like a hamster. Hopefully i can get a dentist appointment as I suspect I have an abscess. :(
Morning all. 15 for me today and I've woken up looking like a hamster. Hopefully i can get a dentist appointment as I suspect I have an abscess. :(
Oh no! Really sorry to hear this Stitch, that will certainly push those levels up :( I hope you can get it sorted out pronto! 🙂
Morning all, 6.3 here. Hope you get sorted out promptly, Stitch.
6.2 for me after a appalling day yesterday with my Mum at Bristol hospital as she was meant to be having a major heart operation this morning to have a new heart valve. At 8pm she was told by the surgeon he had just found out she had high platelets so it wasn't safe for her to have the operation. How is it possible he didn't know! She has had tests, several appointments, and her records show she has had them for 8 years. Going back soon and will take her home and start the process to see if she can have a TAVI valve. Just spoken to her and she feels so let down by all the medical professionals. Grrrr
Good morning 🙂 and I'm joining you Sadhbh with a 7.2 today
Ouch Stitch. Teeth can be such a pain. Hope you can get an appt soon and it settles the pain.
Another high start for me 10.1. Hoping I don't reach the dizzy high of yesterday which hit 16 and feel more normal. Today is my monthly lunch with my old work collegues. Not sure I will make it.
6.2 for me after a appalling day yesterday with my Mum at Bristol hospital as she was meant to be having a major heart operation this morning to have a new heart valve. At 8pm she was told by the surgeon he had just found out she had high platelets so it wasn't safe for her to have the operation. How is it possible he didn't know! She has had tests, several appointments, and her records show she has had them for 8 years. Going back soon and will take her home and start the process to see if she can have a TAVI valve. Just spoken to her and she feels so let down by all the medical professionals. Grrrr
That must be so frustrating, not to say distressing for your poor Mum :( And for it all to happen when you are psyched up for the operation makes it even worse :( I hope that something can be sorted very soon {{{HUGS}}}
Another high start for me 10.1. Hoping I don't reach the dizzy high of yesterday which hit 16 and feel more normal. Today is my monthly lunch with my old work collegues. Not sure I will make it.
Sorry to hear you are still struggling @grovesy, but good to see some improvement. Hope you are feeling better soon and able to join your friends 🙂