Group 7-day waking average?

Thanks Manda...if I can get it right can extend those appointments to monthly ones...rather than every week...or twice a week.
Good morning. 11.9 for me today.
Morning all. Digestion seemed a bit faster last night had an unexpected spike 2hrs after eating and managed all my bolus before bed without a hint of a hypo so here I am with a 6.3 and no chipped nail varnish. Have a good day all of you.
Morning all.🙂 4.6 here.😛 You have to get up early on this forum to be first in line!🙄
Good luck, Bubbsie.🙂
Thanks Bloden...not a planned early morning...just don't sleep that well sometimes (most times) own fault really...get so wound up over this particular clinic...probably because I have no control over it...hope you are feeling well...and the sun is shining where you are....great numbers.
Good morning everyone 8.7 , Libre 6.6 guess which one I prefer :D
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@Bubbsie , Fingers crossed for you.
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8.0 for me today! Terrible, not only from the size of the number but it puts me on the wrong side of the new Mod (forgive me, Kooky!). Underbolused for one of daughters home made scones ( couldn't refuse, now could I) because I'd done a shedload of gardening and was anticipating a gardening hypo which never materialised.
Good luck today, Bubbsie.
Good morning! A much more acceptable 5.7 today. Good luck today @Bubbsie 🙂
Good morning all its a 4.9 from me this morning x