Group 7-day waking average?

I am slowly clearing it out. It's full of unsold furniture from our failed business. Trying to flog it on eBay.
Couldn't get any blood out till I'd been for a walk so 6.2 @ 10.42am after breakfast.
Morning...6 today...after a heavy working week with no routine...and BG's up and down like a yo yo...seem to be getting back on track.
@Bubbsie. Morning to u too Bubbsie, thanx for the wakeup call, now just how did you know I had to be up early today?:D Glad your busy up & down the M1 is over. Your 6 is a good number🙂 I've not tested yet x
Morning all. 6.6 , 5.1 on Libre 🙂
@Bubbsie. Morning to u too Bubbsie, thanx for the wakeup call, now just how did you know I had to be up early today?:D Glad your busy up & down the M1 is over. Your 6 is a good number🙂 I've not tested yet x
Initially up at 03:40...back to bed...couldn't sleep...gave up!...if I'd known you were an early riser...would have given you a shout then...good scores on your doors this morning...still chasing those elusive fives who seem to have deserted me😡😡😡
Morning! A rather disappointing 6.7 today. No idea why. Done nothing different.:confused:
Initially up at 03:40...back to bed...couldn't sleep...gave up!...if I'd known you were an early riser...would have given you a shout then...good scores on your doors this morning...still chasing those elusive fives who seem to have deserted me😡😡😡
But thats the thing Bubbsie I'm not an early riser normally! just so not a morning person:( only managed a couple of hours myself😱 must be something in the air :(😱 and you WILL get those 5's in no time :D so no late snacking! ... pot..kettle!!
Good morning all and a 4.2 for me and was similar yesterday, so strange as has been in 6.s and not changed anything. I have reduced my lantus this morning. Wishing all a fantastic week.
Morning all, 10.7 for me today.