Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all.🙂 13.8 here - oops! Overdid my bedtime snack.🙄 Dr Boots loves telling me I'm a wuss, but when I've had a string of lower-than-usual hypos overnight :confused: I don't want to go to sleep without a there.o_O

Enjoy Sunday folks.:D
Morning all! It's a 5.7 from me. Was out for dinner last night for my brother's 60th. Had a mixed grill with salad & no dessert. It was a bit of a disaster, really. Pub was packed & we waited an hour & a half for our food & when it did arrive, the steaks were like shoe leather. Absolutely cremated.
QUOTE="Mark Parrott, post: 687497, member: 14673"]Morning all! It's a 5.7 from me. Was out for dinner last night for my brother's 60th. Had a mixed grill with salad & no dessert. It was a bit of a disaster, really. Pub was packed & we waited an hour & a half for our food & when it did arrive, the steaks were like shoe leather. Absolutely cremated.[/QUOTE]
Very restrained for you the circumstances just as well if the food was so awful...hope you got a huge reduction...might have been tempted to ask for a full refund!
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Morning all.🙂 13.8 here - oops! Overdid my bedtime snack.🙄 Dr Boots loves telling me I'm a wuss, but when I've had a string of lower-than-usual hypos overnight :confused: I don't want to go to sleep without a there.o_O

Enjoy Sunday folks.:D
You too Bloden...not a wuss...just taking the right precautions :D.
Very restrained for you the circumstances just as well if the food was so awful...hope you got a huge reduction...might have been tempted to ask for a full refund!
It's the same pub we went to on my birthday last year & it was great. Just don't think they could cope with it being so busy. I skipped dessert as it was 10.00 by the time we finished dinner & wife was falling asleep.
It's the same pub we went to on my birthday last year & it was great. Just don't think they could cope with it being so busy. I skipped dessert as it was 10.00 by the time we finished dinner & wife was falling asleep.
Such a shame the meal and service were so poor Mark :( Hope it didn't spoil the celebrations too much 🙂

@Ljc - weird dream! 😱 I had a dream the other night that I was eating the badges off the Diabetic Fairy's jumper - including the little pendant that @pottersusan made for her - I was distraught when I realised I had eaten that - thankfully woke up and realised it was a dream/nightmare! 😱 🙂
@Northerner , That's weird . They seem so real too don't they. I was amazed and so relieved when I opened my eyes
@Northerner , That's weird . They seem so real too don't they. I was amazed and so relieved when I opened my eyes
My weirdest dream of my entire life was when I dreamed about the circumstances and people I encountered during my stay in hospital at diagnosis - a full 18 months before it happened 😱 😱 😱 I still find that disturbing because I'm not a person who believes in prescience or other psychic phenomena generally, but it most definitely happened 😱
Now that really is weird! I suppose at the time you didn't think much about it but when it was actually happening it must have really spooked you.
My weirdest dream of my entire life was when I dreamed about the circumstances and people I encountered during my stay in hospital at diagnosis - a full 18 months before it happened 😱 😱 😱 I still find that disturbing because I'm not a person who believes in prescience or other psychic phenomena generally, but it most definitely happened 😱

Oh I've had that happen in relation to myself and other people northerner and it really is scary! 😱
A 7.1 for me as punishment for late night toast 🙄
Not that bad for some toast...anyway you're entitled Amigo...tell em' I said so.
6.7 then 7.9 few seconds later! Can't wait for the new meter to arrive...& a revised diet!
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Morning all! It's a 5.7 from me. Was out for dinner last night for my brother's 60th. Had a mixed grill with salad & no dessert. It was a bit of a disaster, really. Pub was packed & we waited an hour & a half for our food & when it did arrive, the steaks were like shoe leather. Absolutely cremated.
@mark. Shoe leather? Oh no! Perhaps you should have celebrated your brothers birthday at yours instead! I'm sure you would have concocted a deliciously healthy meal for all - then gone to the pub later for celebratory drinks! Take care
@mark. Shoe leather? Oh no! Perhaps you should have celebrated your brothers birthday at yours instead! I'm sure you would have concocted a deliciously healthy meal for all - then gone to the pub later for celebratory drinks! Take care
Unfortunately, he lives 40 miles away & couldn't have a drink if he had to drive. And as our spare room is full of rubbish, he couldn't stay over either. Otherwise, that would've been a great idea.