Group 7-day waking average?

Morning! A rather disappointing 6.7 today. No idea why. Done nothing different.:confused:
I never do anything different and my BGs are all over the place.:confused: Hope you can work out what it was, Mark. If not, just say "hey ho" and get on with your day.😉

Morning all.🙂 7.1 here.😛 Chilly but sunny - just how I like it.:D
Morning all, 3.4 here, whoops, was a bit too low to go to bed on last night, so ate half a biscuit, as last time that happened I ate a whole one and woke up in the 7s. Can't win!
A 6.7 after a night of piddles! I've worn out the carpet to the bathroom. Maybe need to go back to basics because it shouldn't be like this (no I don't have a UTI).
Morning all. 4.3 at 4am then 7.4 when I eventually got breakfast ready at 8! Exam time now... wonder what it'll do to my sugar levels
A 6.7 after a night of piddles! I've worn out the carpet to the bathroom. Maybe need to go back to basics because it shouldn't be like this (no I don't have a UTI).
Its no joke is it but disrespect Amigo but a commode in your bedroom....or bucket side of bed?! Meant in the sincere way it is written x
I never do anything different and my BGs are all over the place.:confused: Hope you can work out what it was, Mark. If not, just say "hey ho" and get on with your day.😉

Morning all.🙂 7.1 here.😛 Chilly but sunny - just how I like it.:D
Hey ho! :D
Sorry peeps, late on parade - 5.1
my 7 day average was 6.3 Had one anomaly of a day where i woke to 8.7 !
No blood. I can't spare any. 😉 Managed a tiny pinpick which seemed to be enough, so 5.8 @ 2.33pm. Had a ginormous greedy breakfast too so I think that's good. 🙂
Behave yourself! Lol :D....I have an ensuite next to me thanks. Just a pity I have to keep trying to get back to sleep!
I've heard that a green light bulb left on in say your bedside lamp at night is relaxing - and Valerian & lavender helps promote sleep too.
7.3 this morning for me :( x
That's kind of you wirralass but to be honest I'd sleep well if I didn't keep needing to pee! Lol 😛
I empathise wholeheartedly Amigo, take care & I do hope you have a better night tonight 🙂 @Bubbsie...Valerian
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That's a bit higher than your usual Kaylz.
I know I'm usually in the 5's, always hit a problem on a Sunday and usually carries on into the Monday don't think my body likes me eating at 8:30pm on a Saturday night, was worse at dinner - 8.7 but got a bit worked up and stressed about an hour before haha, I'm sure all will be fine 🙂 x
Up at 04:30...way too early...a 6 for me today...anti-coagulation this morning...hoping to get those INR levels right at last...fingers crossed.
Up at 04:30...way too early...a 6 for me today...anti-coagulation this morning...hoping to get those INR levels right at last...fingers crossed.
Hope all goes well bubbsie my fingers are crossed for you xx