Group 7-day waking average?

Thank you Grovesy and Flower. Hopefully my levels will improve after I see Mum tomorrow. I'm also going to make sure that I start doing my relaxation exercises.
Flower I hope that you get that hypo easily sorted out.
Thank you Amigo.
A 6.7 for me this morning. Some health issues overnight.

Sending best wishes to all having struggles today. Stay strong AJ
Sorry to hear you had a rough night Amigo, hope things improve soon. Thank you, and you too. Do take care AJ, chin up if you can x
I woke up dripping wet through with the terse message LO from the Libre. Fingerprick said 2.8. This is insulin miscalculation. I'm losing weight, so there isn't as much of me for the insulin to work on, I'll have to do some experimenting. Either that or the Diabetes Fairy got in through the cat flap😡
The other thing, of course, is that the more fat I lose the less insulin resistant I will be.
Interestingly, although I have lost weight since stopping drinking alcohol, and my body/visceral fat has declined considerably, I appear to be needing slightly more insulin now than I used to! 🙄

Hope the hypo-hangover isn't too bad Mike.
Morning all a 4.1 for me. Happy Saturday all
Evening all, 5.9 for me this morning @ 8.27am. 🙂
Good morning everyone. 7.7 . Libre says 5.8
I was all up hill and down dale BG wise yesterday. I don't feel so bad atm so I'm hoping BGs will behave.
Woke up from a weird dream, I had to go to A&E, was admitted and no idea why I'd gone there, on the ward strange things happened , like the sister coming over telling me off for being difficult and rude, then deliberately squirting the back of my neck with water and being given a transfusion that wasn't actually connected up to me . No idea what that was all about lol
Strange dream there Lin.
A 9.5 for me today. Gonna have a day out with the OH today, starting at Chatham docks, then see where we end up.
B****R...7.5 for me today...a week of inactivity and lack of routine showing...need to get organised...could have been worse.
Thank you Grovesy and Flower. Hopefully my levels will improve after I see Mum tomorrow. I'm also going to make sure that I start doing my relaxation exercises.
Flower I hope that you get that hypo easily sorted out.
Bit late to this AJ... mad week at difficult to focus when our family and those we care for are unwell...or troubled...hope the visit with your mum went well and your able to balance those BG levels out...take care.
Good morning everyone. 7.7 . Libre says 5.8
I was all up hill and down dale BG wise yesterday. I don't feel so bad atm so I'm hoping BGs will behave.
Woke up from a weird dream, I had to go to A&E, was admitted and no idea why I'd gone there, on the ward strange things happened , like the sister coming over telling me off for being difficult and rude, then deliberately squirting the back of my neck with water and being given a transfusion that wasn't actually connected up to me . No idea what that was all about lol
Painful when those BG's are up and you've no idea why...just one of those 'D' days...good to hear you are feeling okay this for Nurse Ratchet (dream)...I'm pretty sure I've met her at some point in the last six months or so (several times) will be better.
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