Group 7-day waking average?'re an early bird wirralass...thank said been missing those fives...working up north for the last few difficult to find suitable things to eat...after what I ate yesterday...amazed I got those numbers (had several fives yesterday)...just about to get myself together for another drive up the M1 (wonderful scenery...road works...speed cameras...exhaust pipes)...hope you've done good this morning...okay...more coffee & metformin for breakfast...hmmn...sounds delicious:D:D:D...can't wait!
Hi Bubbsie. Mine was 6.3. Bit disappointed but no worries! Can be remedied. Hope your trip up the M1 went without hotch....I mean hitch! And back home safe & sound. It must be difficult trying to balance your bgls when away but you've got the weekend to right those......unless of course you fancy a binge treat! 😛Sorry, I shouldn't be encouraging you! Take care & enjoy your weekend. x
6.3 @ 6.13am due I presume to M&S mustard sauce with dinner last night? It tasted very sweet and scrummy. 🙂
6.3 @ 6.13am due I presume to M&S mustard sauce with dinner last night? It tasted very sweet and scrummy. 🙂
@Ditto. I've been having problems lately drawing blood but found that testing my finger on the side near the cuticle is doing the trick. Also best not to use either thumbs or index fingers as per @Northerners advice ; ) Take care
I go to visit my son on a Friday and Sunday I'm with daughter. I have a relaxing day goggleboxing and my brother spends time with Mum.

I'm getting a bit better at digging out the blood since I started the marching up and down like a tin soldier. It works. 🙂
I go to visit my son on a Friday and Sunday I'm with daughter. I have a relaxing day goggleboxing and my brother spends time with Mum.

I'm getting a bit better at digging out the blood since I started the marching up and down like a tin soldier. It works. 🙂
Glad to hear that and glad you're OK @Ditto. A change is as good as the rest from your usual & maybe a demanding week eh?! Great Bgl's yesterday. x
Edited. This is how my BGL's panned out Friday - Yesterday.

Waking & pre brunch : 6.3
Pre dinner : 4.7
Post dinner 2hrs: 5.5
Post dinner 3hrs: 5.2
Final bgl: 4.5

Anyone fancy a guess at what my waking bgl will be Saturday?
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@Northerner. This is how my BGL's panned out Friday - Yesterday.

Waking & pre brunch : 6.3
Pre dinner : 4.7
Post dinner 2hrs: 5.5
Post dinner 3hrs: 5.2
Final bgl: 4.5

Anyone fancy a guess at what my waking bgl will be Saturday?

wow thats better than mine today highest for me was 12. 3 😱 ive along way to go managing levels and hiya
wow thats better than mine today highest for me was 12. 3 😱 ive along way to go managing levels and hiya
Hi Debbie. Thanx for your post. I'm only just getting my head round D myself, a case of trial & error I think as to how different foods affect my bgls. It's a personal thing - what suits one doesn't always suit another. It might take some time but keep striving for your goal. Good luck & take care

Diagnosed Type 2 April 2016
Metformin withdrawn
Diet & exercise only
Hi Debbie. Thanx for your post. I'm only just getting my head round D myself, a case of trial & error I think as to how different foods affect my bgls. It's a personal thing - what suits one doesn't always suit another. It might take some time but keep striving for your goal. Take care

Diagnosed Type 2 April 2016
Metformin withdrawn
Diet & exercise only

Hi wirralass . your welcome same for me getting my head round it all i did a trail an error yesterday as its now 1 am an wont be eating a certain food again , how do you feel as blood sugar levels drop , i have been feeling tired its all new and good luck to you to , take care
Hi wirralass . your welcome same for me getting my head round it all i did a trail an error yesterday as its now 1 am an wont be eating a certain food again , how do you feel as blood sugar levels drop , i have been feeling tired its all new and good luck to you to , take care
Hi again Debbie. When my bgl lowers I feel ok apart from the fact that I feel hungry! Odd! I have never felt more hungry as i do since being diagnosed :(crazy! So i drink about 100-200mls of water even though I'm not thirsty! Fills my stomach & kind of staves off the hunger pangs, whether that is the right thing to do, I'm not sure. Occasionly I feel tired & weak, but only occasionally, then I will eat about 2g-3g carbs. (Asda's cracker bites) It works for me. I believe that this diabetes malarkey is manageable once we each learn how to deal with our own individual Type. Answer's & management come slowly but better that than never eh? Take care
Good morning everyone. 7.2 , Libre says 5.7
I've got some sort of lurgy started yesterday afternoon. :(
Good morning everyone. 7.2 , Libre says 5.7
I've got some sort of lurgy started yesterday afternoon. :(
Morning Ljc & oh no, not you as well, poor you, lots of it going around. 7.2 not bad at all. Plenty of rest, drink lots water, keep warm & hope you feel better soon. x five of working up north today...woke to a 6.8 ..must be the prospect of yet another days driving up and down the M1...Sunday looking forward to that
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Safe journey bubbsie
Hi far the M1 has been kind to me...hoping that continues today...Sunday off...can't wait...see you're on a bit of a journey yourself with your BG numbers just looked through your posts...relieved to see they are coming down...and your resolve is difficult juggling everything...'Betty' can be such a B***H at times.
Hi Bubbsie. Mine was 6.3. Bit disappointed but no worries! Can be remedied. Hope your trip up the M1 went without hotch....I mean hitch! And back home safe & sound. It must be difficult trying to balance your bgls when away but you've got the weekend to right those......unless of course you fancy a binge treat! 😛Sorry, I shouldn't be encouraging you! Take care & enjoy your weekend. x
One more day to tomorrow...trying to find something suitable to eat while 'on the run' is a chore...slightly up on walking/exercise for the last four days...missing it...shows...numbers slightly up...nothing disastrous (yet!)...will be pounding those streets tomorrow...have a good weekend.
Good morning all you early risers! 🙂 I'm one today too. And it's 6.9 here.
And good morning to everyone else enjoying a few more zzzz.....