Group 7-day waking average?

@Bubbsie. Restless night! Not tested yet. Safe journey there & back. Hope no traffic congestion so you can make good headway x
Hope you can get your head down some point today...restless sleep makes me sooooooooooooooooooo B****Y!
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Good morning everyone 7.6 , 5.9 on Libre
Morning all. 6.4 for me. Slightly higher than usual. Might be the delayed reaction of the dumpling & 2 eclairs I had last night.😳
Good morning everyone its a 4.9 for me which is a surprise coz it was 9.0 when I went to bed last night !
Good morning 🙂 4.1 today.

I've taken the drastic step of having some breakfast which is a novelty for me as I'm having my hair cut this morning and I always run 'Steel Magnolias' through my head where Julia Roberts has a hypo in the hairdressers. I'm always relieved when both sides of my hair match just in case anything goes wrong 😉
Good morning 🙂 4.1 today.

I've taken the drastic step of having some breakfast which is a novelty for me as I'm having my hair cut this morning and I always run 'Steel Magnolias' through my head where Julia Roberts has a hypo in the hairdressers. I'm always relieved when both sides of my hair match just in case anything goes wrong 😉
Hehe! I always feel like that when I go to the dentists! 😱 Hope all goes smoothly and you come out looking (even more!) fabulous 🙂
Morning all, 11.3 for me today.
Morning all, 6.5 here, late on parade, been dealing with the plumber who is fitting a new boiler (hurrah, got tired of coaxing the last out of our limpy old one). Good job the weather's a bit milder, took me back to my youth, waking without central heating this morning!
Afternoon all 🙂
I slept really soundly after a nightshift that went on forever! Disappointed with 7.9. Hopefully once I start moving it will go down a bit. xx
Fri. 16.02.2017
Afternoon all.

Bit late clocking on!
I awoke to a 6.3.
Disappointed after 4.6 post eve.meal yesterday...4.8 at 11.30pm last night..... 5.1 after a late snack pm of 1 salmon stick + 2 cracker bites. Total carbs: 5g : Total sugar 1.2g.
Late snack a grave mistake! Slap on the hand! But was such a hungry horace! 😛Should have filled up with water instead. Ah well, at least I know where I went wrong😱 No more late snacks for me🙂