• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

Group 7-day waking average?

Opps! Posted in wrong thread six hours ago - too sleepy!

Good morning/moaning! First night in three or four I have been woken by Phantom Pain. Gave up after half-an-hour and got up and took a strong painkiller. BG 8.1 - Stop and Run!

Very light rain on kitchen window!


Slept on and woke to a 6.2 but was pretty level overnight although not ideal.

You can vote on my "Best Foot Forward!" thread here - https://forum.diabetes.org.uk/boards/threads/best-foot-forward.115125/ :rofl:

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A near miss 5.3 for me today. 🙂
Sunday cryptic crossword awaits.

Afternoon. I’m late today. 6.7 and a unicorn after a beige buffet, I’ll take that as a miracle. Think I’m getting the hang of this diabetes’ malarky.😉

Good night out, a good craic when I could hear, I’m really struggling hearing these days on a one to one basis in our own house, but when we’re in a noisy pub and everyone is talking I really struggle. I just nod my head every now and again, I could be agreeing to anything. Mr Eggy keeps nagging me to go for a hearing test but I’m scared they’ll say I need hearing aids! I’m not mentally ready for that I’m afraid. Home just before I turned into a pumpkin, bit of leftover buffet and a bit of telly, bed at 1am. That is mega late for me.

@Eternal422 I put my big coat on last night as frost was forecast, I was roasting, needs to be about -10 before us northerners need our big coat!

Have a great day y’all. I’m catching up with last night’s Strictly and that’s about it. Tea is ready, I’m so super organised, ( smug emoji).
Morning everyone, clear blue skies here and a happy 5.1 for me today.

Have a good day everyone and stay well.
Back the right side of the border with a 5.7 this morning. My wife and I will have most of the day to ourselves with our eldest being up in Manchester with his futsal team (KO @ 10am) and our youngest working an 8 till 5 shift at Tesco. Not sure what we're doing yet but I expect it will involve shopping somewhere. My wife has started her Xmas shopping, whereas I haven't bought a single thing yet.

Have a good Sunday, everyone.
Morning all. 5.6
Morning all 6.0 for me on waking at 731am Had my normal breakfast of 2 rounds wm toast with Marmite and a cup of coffee with sweetener 2 hours later when nurse came it was 10.2 not to bad a rise really i do like my marmite on toast
morning a late Sunday wake up just now its a 8.6
no idea how it raised so up i think if the wall street markets diagram looks like my BS we all would be very bot very rich !!!!!
just raising and raising to the sky
anyway you should all enjoy your day (need still to eat breakfast before brunch and don't have to much time😉)
@Eternal422 I put my big coat on last night as frost was forecast, I was roasting, needs to be about -10 before us northerners need our big coat!
:rofl: A true northerner!
Good morning 5.3

Car ended up being in the bodyshop most of the day yesterday, although frustrating looks like he did a good job and in the end the bill was considerably less than I expected
my cold is better this morning although Mrs @goodybags is definitely still suffering

@eggyg I know exactly what your saying when you commented regarding hearing, I was also not hearing when in noisy environments to pick up conversations, also I’m often struggling to pick out audio in dramas & movies that have music in the programme, anyway cut a long story short, I’m due to collect my first pair of hearing aids from the audiology dept at the hospital next Monday, I’m also not mentally ready to accept the actual need for them but I’m going to give them a try and see

Sunday duties include, cleaning hoovering bungalow & car, Ironing shirts for work next week, plus I desperately need to spend some time clearing up the clutter that had accumulated on dining room table (mostly work related) and might do some admin that will need doing before the end of the month.

also I need to get my big coat out and find my cloves (it’s cold down south)

TC 😎
Good morning all! A 4.9 for me today.

Continuing washing and putting stuff away from our time on the boat last week, also a trip over to my parents to see them. Dad has a few jobs for me to do - putting out recycling and a few odds and ends, nothing much but it’s too much for him to manage now. At least he’s accepting some help from us now.

Have a good Sunday everyone whether you need a big coat or not!:rofl:
Back on dry land now after a fabulous cruise. I wonder what my Hba1c is now :confused:
Tested 7.1 this morning after a 'scratching about for food' pizza. Back in the saddle tomorrow!
Morning an 8.3 after a very similar experience to previous day so need to get to bottom of it.
Meeting two estate agents to try and get the house we are selling on the market now the decorator has finished.
Big coat with big attitude needed for week ahead with gloves if like me you are a Northern lad gone a bit soft.
Good morning! Woke to a 3.5 that became a 3.3 FOTF as forgot to put Emergency JBs back in bedroom after refresh yesterday. Still no low level alarm off Libre although High does work! (puzzled emoji)

Have to chase the appointment I tried to cancel ;last Tuesday as still showing up (and no results from bloods a week prior) and not been contacted about a mutually convenient date (although I do wonder if they know the meaning of that sometimes).

Cold - partially cloudy.
GM to one and all

5.5 for me. My last few BGs were highish and gave me an early warning of a forthcoming cold. Said cold has arrived and BGs returned to normal for me. It looks and feels,cold outside, time for thermals.Winter is here.