Good morning everyone
BG 5.6 ! Mind you I didn't eat until 10pm !!!
The 'concert' evening went well. I had to wire everything up and sort out the sound. Sounds easy. It was a tough one to sort out and it evolved as more and more musicians arrived during the afternoon!! The whole evening went well.
Today I have to go back to the church early to rewire everything and retest everything for the Sunday musicians and then do the sound for the service.
Just to make things harder my right hip was giving me some serious nasty pain yesterday too. Not sure what has caused it but it has been getting worse over the last few weeks. Sigh.
After this mornings service, I intend to rest, rest, rest and hope that my hip settles down again.
Weather here is rain, rain, rain, snow? Haven't had snow here for many years...
I just hope that this doesn't greet me when I have to go out. On the other hand, it looks quite a pleasant place to live... (love the resident Christmas tree)...
Have a great day today whatever you are doing