• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

Group 7-day waking average?

A 6.1 for me today. 🙂

Back on the 6 step this morning with a 6.4.

Congratulations @Gwynn on your HS - good luck with your church sound today, hope all goes well!

Have a good Saturday everyone!

4.6 today, disappointed with this week’s weight loss of 1lb, but I know it is goi g in the right direction. Today will consist of big shop, then knit and natter followed by prepping Christmas cakes to bake tomorrow, I am incredibly late doing my cakes but never mind they will be fine.

@Gwynn - congratulations on the HS today.
GoodMorning 6.9 today

Woke full of cold and a bit headachy, Mrs G’ also has same cold, she’s not up yet - feel I’d like to stay in bed all day
but have a few things to get done including taking my car in for some hopefully minor body repair in a minute (was slightly surprised when the guy said they will remove the bumper and a wheel arch trim then glue them back on) rather than a new bumper

sugar levels rising now 8.4, so breakfast can be brunch (when I get back later)
we went grocery shopping yesterday evening, so in the end never made it down to the pool,

I’ve managed to get an telephone consultation booked with my GP for a call on Monday
I know I need to up my Mounjaro (spoke to him about this twice previously, but at that time didn’t feel ready) also I know I’m not getting enough activity

Congrats on the HS @Gwynn

& Have a Super Saturday Everyone 😎
Morning all a 5.8 fr me
Morning everyone, it's a 6.3 for me today and it's very grey again.
Lots of 6s around this morning and I'm over the line too with a 6.2 - what's going on?

Grey skies here but dry, and as it's pleasantly cool I walked down to Morrisons rather than take the car. Guess what - no strawberries, for the 3rd day in a row. Just as well I got some at Sainsbury's yesterday when I did our Big Shop.

Nothing on the calendar but Saturday's a washday so will start once I have our boys' wash baskets (they're not up yet. Of course they're not, it's Saturday). Also have to replace an indicator bulb on my car as I noticed yesterday that it didn't flash when I unlocked it. Bought a replacement bulb yesterday from Halfords.

Futsal back on tomorrow after the international break and our eldest's team are away for a change. As it's a 10am KO in Manchester the team are travelling up this afternoon and staying in a hotel.

@Gwynn - congratulations on the HS today.

Enjoy your Saturday.
Morning all - another grey Cornish day.

6.3 which is rather surprising given that I had a humdinger of a hypo at 4 am. Was 2.9 and simply couldn't get levels up despite umpteen Dextro tabs, a biscuit etc. In the end J got up and made me a cup of sugary tea which fixed it. It would seem that the alarm had been going off for over an hour, but it's not at all loud on the PDM and I don't hear it when I am asleep. Fortunately I don't suffer hypo headache hangovers.

The new glass arrived and the coffee table looks quite swish and new now. Today I will be doing the prep for tomorrow's lunch when we are entertaining 4 friends. I am doing twice baked salmon souffles, gammon in cider, roast potatoes, roast beetroot, leeks in cheese sauce and peas. Then making the flourless choccie cake again, which will be followed by a cheeseboard. Why do I put myself through this????? All because I didn't want to have lunch in the pub suggested by our friends! I don't like my roasties soaked in gravy on top of the meat and then topped with yorkshire pudding, accompanied by soggy veg, all on a tiny plate so you can't eat it without food falling off the plate onto the table.

Ah well, better go wake him indoors as he's still blissfully in the land of nod.... but I do feel guilty for waking him during the night.

Congratulations to @Gwynn on your HS

Have a super Saturday everyone.
5.4 this morning when I first woke. Although I confess I nodded off again and ended up sleeping in which doesn't happen much these days - must have needed it.

Congrats on the HS @Gwynn.
5.9 this morning but felt bad so did finger prick and it was 4, senior is 4 days old. ut I always put it on 3 days before I activate it, woke up with a headache and sore throat looks like another cold/bug still finishing the loft last few things to move including the Christmas trees and decorations have a good day what's left of it everyone
Interestingly we called in at the Chievely services on the M4 and on the back of the doors in the loos are posters listing the symptoms of Type 1 diabetes, thirst, frequent loo visits, weight loss and tiredness calling it a silent killer, it seems to be sponsored by the Adam Bell Foundation. I had never heard of them.
But what a good idea.
Morning. 6.0
Good morning everyone

BG 5.6 ! Mind you I didn't eat until 10pm !!!

The 'concert' evening went well. I had to wire everything up and sort out the sound. Sounds easy. It was a tough one to sort out and it evolved as more and more musicians arrived during the afternoon!! The whole evening went well.

Today I have to go back to the church early to rewire everything and retest everything for the Sunday musicians and then do the sound for the service.

Just to make things harder my right hip was giving me some serious nasty pain yesterday too. Not sure what has caused it but it has been getting worse over the last few weeks. Sigh.

After this mornings service, I intend to rest, rest, rest and hope that my hip settles down again.

Weather here is rain, rain, rain, snow? Haven't had snow here for many years...


I just hope that this doesn't greet me when I have to go out. On the other hand, it looks quite a pleasant place to live... (love the resident Christmas tree)...

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Morning a 8.7 after a bit of DP and happy enough with staying around 7 most of night.
My levels were a bit erratic yesterday with over eating after my exercise and then settled down to watch rugby.Took 6u of insulin as levels kept on rising but for once did not seem to slow things down until hit 14 one of my highest levels since diagnosis.
Eventually settled down but had to delay evening Pizza ( which needed eating) and I did have less than usual and had another 2u to cope with it after meal but no further correction dose as did not want to stack too much so glad it did stayed within range overnight.Perhaps my honeymoon period is ending as definitely feels like something had changed yesterday and at first thought new insulin pack was not working.
Anyway another lunch out and a lazy Sunday ahead.Enjoy.
Morning all, a dead arm and 4.8 alarm to rouse me this morning, but that was a descending compression low.

Actually more like 6.2 when it settled!