Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all, 10.7 for me today. Gonna give the hospital a ring later for any news on my appointment.
@Stitch. Good, glad you're making that call Stitch, don't let up till you're given that all important appointment. x
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Good morning all 🙂 and 7.2 today.
Hope you get some good news re your appt Stitch. It will be good to at least have a date to focus on.
@Robin. Well I was referring to your bgl....but on second thoughts is that a good reading for T1? Do hope the sun shines for you today, in fact for all of us to lift our spirits!!!!!
Good/bad readings tend to be personal to each of us! 4.9 is fine for me after a glass or two of wine, because it seems to inhibit the dawn rise. Because I know I normally dip around 3am and then rise, other times, I'd be worried if I was under 5 because it would suggest I'd dipped into hypo territory in the night.
Good morning 🙂 7.4 for me today and not feeling great :( I've felt completely drained of energy for the past couple of days, not sure what it is - I don't have sniffles or a temperature, just tired, headachy and chilled to the bone :(
Morning all. 14.4 for me today - colds hate me! Need to go super healthy this week and get back to nice numbers.

Northy hope you start feeling better soon x
Good morning 🙂 7.4 for me today and not feeling great :( I've felt completely drained of energy for the past couple of days, not sure what it is - I don't have sniffles or a temperature, just tired, headachy and chilled to the bone :(
@Northerner. So sorry to hear you're out of sorts Northerner, there's a lot of funny bugs going round atm. I hope its not the onset of anything more serious than a cold. You work hard on the forum + more, maybe you just need a break from it all to recharge your batteries. Keep up with the fluids & keep warm on these cold days & nights. Call in your GP if you feel any worse than today. I'll use this thread if that's ok to thank you so much for all the help & advice you have given to me since I joined the forum last month, it is very much appreciated, take good care of yourself & get well soon. Doctor Wirralass signing off!!!
Morning all.🙂 7.3 here (and no 5am hypo, yay!). I don't know what's going on with my body lately - I've almost halved my Lantus dose since new year.:confused:😱🙂

Hope all those with the dreaded lurgy are feeling better asap.🙂
Good morning 🙂 7.4 for me today and not feeling great :( I've felt completely drained of energy for the past couple of days, not sure what it is - I don't have sniffles or a temperature, just tired, headachy and chilled to the bone :(

Take care of yourself and feel better soon northerner. It's so cold at the moment, it's hard not to feel chilled to the bone!
@Northerner , that's how I was feeling on Thursday. Totally drained. Have improved a lot now, so hope you do too.
Good morning 🙂 7.4 for me today and not feeling great :( I've felt completely drained of energy for the past couple of days, not sure what it is - I don't have sniffles or a temperature, just tired, headachy and chilled to the bone :(
Sorry to hear you're not feeling great at the moment. Sending best wishes for a super speedy recovery.
Good morning 🙂 7.4 for me today and not feeling great :( I've felt completely drained of energy for the past couple of days, not sure what it is - I don't have sniffles or a temperature, just tired, headachy and chilled to the bone :(
Sorry to hear you have the lurgy. I hope you feel better soon.
Their seems to be lots of bugs flying around lately.
I got 7.4 this morning, much to my shame. I think last nights curry hid somewhere waiting for the Humalog peak to pass by, then came out to do battle with the bedtime Levemir. Can't wait for square wave boluses:confused:
I got 7.4 this morning, much to my shame. I think last nights curry hid somewhere waiting for the Humalog peak to pass by, then came out to do battle with the bedtime Levemir. Can't wait for square wave boluses:confused:
@mikeyB. I thought for a minute you were going to say square dancing! ........the main thing is, did you enjoy the curry? Take care
Afternoon all. Slept in today because I stayed up reading till 3. A gripping book, just couldn't put it down. The Deaths by Mark Lawson; would make a cracking drama. I'd watch it. 🙂

5.9 @ 9.35 which isn't bad because I'm still not 100%. I wish all this blood would go away, especially when I have so much trouble getting it from my fingers. o_O I suppose it's backlog around my ear, nose and throat area after that horrendous nose bleed. Have to go walk in clinic tomoz if it doesn't clear up.
I'm not sure I'd ever get to sleep reading a book with that title Ditto!
Hope you soon start to feel better 🙂