Group 7-day waking average?

Hope so @Jonsi 🙂 Is there any particular reason they went for this configuration rather than a straight basal/bolus?
They seemed reluctant for reasons best known to themselves. I suggested that last review but they said no, although they did agree to me splitting the Humulin-I. This time they were happier to change AND to suggest a LCHF diet! If this regime doesn't work then my next review is early in May.
@Bubbsie. Hi. Thanks for that Bubbsie particularly about consulting GP first re: side effects 🙂 I love the fragrance of lavender , it is very calming. Take care
@Bubbsie. I've heard that a green light bulb in the bedroom helps to induce sleep, so that & lavender oil is on my shopping list x
Morning...5.7 today...possibly lack of sleep...on duty 00:00 to 08:00...finish in a couple of hours...but...I'll take that
@Bubbsie. I've heard that a green light bulb in the bedroom helps to induce sleep, so that & lavender oil is on my shopping list x
Never heard of the green light before wirralass...whatever it takes...good luck.
Never heard of the green light before wirralass...whatever it takes...good luck.
@Bubbsie. Thanks. Neither had I but anythings worth a try ain't it🙂 Think I read it on line when I was searching insomnia. Take care
Morning all its a 5.7 from me today
Morning everyone in the Diabetes club!
Bgl 6.9 at 6am.
Not surprised, been awake half the night (here comes confession!) had 2 Weetabix at 02.10hrs! And 2 skinny cappuccinos. I thought it might have been higher!
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Morning everyone in the Diabetic club!
Bgl 6.9 at 6am.
Not surprised, been awake half the night (here comes confession!) had 2 Weetabix at 02.10hrs! And 2 skinny cappuccinos. I thought it might have been higher!
Entitled wirralas...without proper sleep...need something to get you through those 'dark' hours.
Good morning everyone. Meter 6.1, Libre 15 mins later 4.8.
Apart from around three am when Iibre showed a small and very short hypo , I had a reasonably flat line .
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Morning all, 4.9 here. We've been forecast some sunshine this afternoon, I'll believe it when I see it.
We have some sunshine here Robin...although freezing cold! might get lucky.
@Robin. Well I was referring to your bgl....but on second thoughts is that a good reading for T1? Do hope the sun shines for you today, in fact for all of us to lift our spirits!!!!!
Morning all, 10.7 for me today. Gonna give the hospital a ring later for any news on my appointment.