Group 7-day waking average?

Morning everyone, given up trying to sleep but it's way too dark and cold to even contemplate getting out of bed yet!

5.7 for me. Dropped to 4.1 at 2am so decided I should have some peanut butter on toast. Seems to have done the trick!
Morning everyone, given up trying to sleep but it's way too dark and cold to even contemplate getting out of bed yet!

5.7 for me. Dropped to 4.1 at 2am so decided I should have some peanut butter on toast. Seems to have done the trick!
Well-tackled Rosie! 🙂 Sorry to hear you aren't sleeping, hope you manage to catch up soon. Looks like you might need to reduce your basal insulin slightly 🙂
Good morning peeps! There must be something in the air, some of us didnt get much, if any, sleep last night!😉


06.00am.....6.1. (So hungry at 03.30am had a small bowl of cornflakes!) So cross now!

@Northerner. Hope you had a reasonable night & that you're feeling a tad better this morning.

Diagnosed T2 April 2016
Diet & exercise
Sukkarto SR withdrawn
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Good morning everyone 5.8 Libre says 4.7. The graph shows I dropped slightly low twice during the night.
Morning everyone, given up trying to sleep but it's way too dark and cold to even contemplate getting out of bed yet!

5.7 for me. Dropped to 4.1 at 2am so decided I should have some peanut butter on toast. Seems to have done the trick!
Hi@Rosie. It's flippin' cold here too, I'm sitting up in bed with a scarf wrapped round me neck, a woollen bobble 'at on me 'ed & gloves on me mitts waiting for the central heating to come on, t boilers on a go slow stop mode!!!!!! Take care & have a good day.
It's a 5.3 from this morning x
Aww Rosie sorry to see you're not sleeping, it's horrid isn't it.
Afternoon all. Slept in today because I stayed up reading till 3. A gripping book, just couldn't put it down. The Deaths by Mark Lawson; would make a cracking drama. I'd watch it. 🙂

5.9 @ 9.35 which isn't bad because I'm still not 100%. I wish all this blood would go away, especially when I have so much trouble getting it from my fingers. o_O I suppose it's backlog around my ear, nose and throat area after that horrendous nose bleed. Have to go walk in clinic tomoz if it doesn't clear up.
Hi@Ditto. Good luck if you go to the walk-in today (Tues) let us know how you get on x
Hectic day yesterday...duty...clients to see...then London to pick up a visitor staying for a couple of days...ended with dinner out...I 'sinned'...6.9 today...consider that a lucky escape considering what I ate.😱😱😱
Hectic day yesterday...duty...clients to see...then London to pick up a visitor staying for a couple of days...ended with dinner out...I 'sinned'...6.9 today...consider that a lucky escape considering what I ate.😱😱😱
Have a good time with visitors
Morning all, 9.4 here!! Had an out of routine day yesterday, and ended up at 4.4 at bedtime with about an hours worth of insulin left on board, so had two belvitas. Obv one would have been enough. Was 6.8 at 3am, so the dawn rise kicked in with a vengeance.
15.0 for me today. Can't get levels down at all. Trying not to snack and reducing food increasing water a wee bit. Friend is finding out about exercise classes which are geared for folk with health conditions, so watch this space. Really fed up as haven't taken pain killers for sciatica for 3 days, and it's kicked in today with a wee vengeance. Och well, soon be friday lol. Have a great day everyone
Have a good time with visitors
Thanks Carol...poor visitors haven't told them I will be dragging them out walking as early as walk that 6.9 off this morning.
15.0 for me today. Can't get levels down at all. Trying not to snack and reducing food increasing water a wee bit. Friend is finding out about exercise classes which are geared for folk with health conditions, so watch this space. Really fed up as haven't taken pain killers for sciatica for 3 days, and it's kicked in today with a wee vengeance. Och well, soon be friday lol. Have a great day everyone
Hi@Carolg. Don't despair, all is not lost. You are trying the best that you can. Hope the exercise classes come to fruition, you should feel better knowing that you will be doing something to remedy things. Take care now x

Diagnosed T2 April 2016
Diet & exercise only
Sukkarto SR withdrawn due to intolerance