Group 7-day waking average?

(So hungry at 03.30am had a small bowl of cornflakes!)

Don't be cross, Wirralass. Who can sleep when they're hungry?!🙄 Not me.🙂

Morning folks.🙂 9.9 here - a bit high, but a straight line all night long according to Libre. What is a girl to do?o_O
Hectic day yesterday...duty...clients to see...then London to pick up a visitor staying for a couple of days...ended with dinner out...I 'sinned'...6.9 today...consider that a lucky escape considering what I ate.😱😱😱
Hi@Bubbsie. Don't be too hard on yourself, we all crack under the strain from time to time x
Morning all, an annoying 12.3 this morning. Spoke to diabetes clinic at the hospital yesterday, my case is currently being graded to see how urgent I am!!! She said the likelihood is my appointment will be in april sometime. I told her I am away at the end of March so it looks like it will be after then.
Morning all, an annoying 12.3 this morning. Spoke to diabetes clinic at the hospital yesterday, my case is currently being graded to see how urgent I am!!! She said the likelihood is my appointment will be in april sometime. I told her I am away at the end of March so it looks like it will be after then.
Everything crossed it will be April.
I am 8.4, but i had been downstairs put washing in machine and then came back upstairs before testing. I too did not have a good night woke before 2 to go to loo and then thristy, felt like I might be getting Urine Infection, then felt a bit nauseous. Feel ok now.
15.0 for me today. Can't get levels down at all. Trying not to snack and reducing food increasing water a wee bit. Friend is finding out about exercise classes which are geared for folk with health conditions, so watch this space. Really fed up as haven't taken pain killers for sciatica for 3 days, and it's kicked in today with a wee vengeance. Och well, soon be friday lol. Have a great day everyone
Carolg...are you coming down with something?...hope not...not really a great exerciser myself...I have far too many moving parts!! a lot of much as I can...we all have to gear our physical activity to our capabilities...fortunately so many different activity options...I'm sure you'll find something soon...don't be too hard on pain...numbers up...doing your best...difficult at the best of times to control 'Betty'...never mind when we are feeling will be better.
Morning all. Stupid 14.7 this morning - fed up! Does anyone know if it's common to need different basal settings at night for different times of the month (on a pump)? I'm running out of ideas. Some carb free evenings ahead I feel to completely rule out food related results...
Hi@Bubbsie. Don't be too hard on yourself, we all crack under the strain from time to time x

Wirralass...I didn't crack...I exploded...Turkish food...delicious...could not resist...will be pounding the pavements with poor Harry later this morning...haven't told him you can see he is looking forward to it...NOT!


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Morning all. Stupid 14.7 this morning - fed up! Does anyone know if it's common to need different basal settings at night for different times of the month (on a pump)? I'm running out of ideas. Some carb free evenings ahead I feel to completely rule out food related results...
I sympathise 1000%, Grainger. :(😡 You must be so frustrated - I'm sure a pumper will be along soon to advise you.🙂
Morning all, an annoying 12.3 this morning. Spoke to diabetes clinic at the hospital yesterday, my case is currently being graded to see how urgent I am!!! She said the likelihood is my appointment will be in april sometime. I told her I am away at the end of March so it looks like it will be after then.
Hi@Stitch147. Oh no Stitch, that's a b....r isn't it?! So sorry for you. NHS has really gone to pot, nothing like it was years ago. Sincerely hope you don't have to wait till April to be seen. Thats way too long. Can't your GP have a word with the hospital to hurry things along? Alternatively, you could always plonk yourself in the clinics waiting room in the hope that you would be given an appointment that someone has cancelled??! Actually I'm in the same boat and i feel like a hypocrite now for I've been waiting for near on 6 months for an appt to see a Specialist. I was recently given an appt for this month then two days later, the hospital wrote saying they had to cancel it for goodness sake. An appt has been made now for next month. Fingers crossed they don't cancel that one, I could bleed to death in the meantime, literally. Sorry to have intruded on your post, this wasnt intentional. keep your chin up if you can Stitch, thinking of you & take care. x
Hi@Stitch147. Oh no Stitch, that's a b....r isn't it?! So sorry for you. NHS has really gone to pot, nothing like it was years ago. Sincerely hope you don't have to wait till April to be seen. Thats way too long. Can't your GP have a word with the hospital to hurry things along? Alternatively, you could always plonk yourself in the clinics waiting room in the hope that you would be given an appointment that someone has cancelled??! Actually I'm in the same boat and i feel like a hypocrite now for I've been waiting for near on 6 months for an appt to see a Specialist. I was recently given an appt for this month then two days later, the hospital wrote saying they had to cancel it for goodness sake. An appt has been made now for next month. Fingers crossed they don't cancel that one, I could bleed to death in the meantime, literally. Sorry to have intruded on your post, this wasnt intentional. keep your chin up if you can Stitch, thinking of you & take care. x
My GP was reluctant to refer me in the first place!!! April isnt that far away and Im used to high numbers (I know that sounds wrong). Im gonna be ringing the clinic weekly until I have my appointment through (just in case of cancellations). I originally asked for a referal back in Novemeber and the GP i saw at the time refused to do it!
Wirralass...I didn't crack...I exploded...Turkish food...delicious...could not resist...will be pounding the pavements with poor Harry later this morning...haven't told him you can see he is looking forward to it...NOT!
Hi@Bubbsie. You do make me laugh, I needed cheering up. Thanx. Harry looks adorable & so cuddly, where is he taking you for a walk?! At least he keeps you fit with the walking exercise:D that you do??! I exercise on my exercise bike but hoping, no not hoping, but I'm going to make myself walk as far as I can and back however long it takes me & as often as I can, got to shift one more stone then I will have reached my target weight. Take care
15.0 for me today. Can't get levels down at all. Trying not to snack and reducing food increasing water a wee bit. Friend is finding out about exercise classes which are geared for folk with health conditions, so watch this space. Really fed up as haven't taken pain killers for sciatica for 3 days, and it's kicked in today with a wee vengeance. Och well, soon be friday lol. Have a great day everyone

Me too, Carol. It's my shoulders feeling like two blades cutting each other. Getting into the serious pain killers today. Let's hope we both have only brief encounters of these pains.
The weather is fine and sunny yesterday and today, so I can't blame the weather!
Everything crossed it will be April.
I am 8.4, but i had been downstairs put washing in machine and then came back upstairs before testing. I too did not have a good night woke before 2 to go to loo and then thristy, felt like I might be getting Urine Infection, then felt a bit nauseous. Feel ok now.
Ah grovesy you really don't need to be told but if you think you have a urine infection you'd be best to see your GP. Tho MikeyB is the person to speak with on here, he's tops! Take care
Well, another beautiful day here on Mull. Bit breezy, mind.

I woke up with a disconcerting 3.4, but a cappuccino and biscuit, combined with the fearsome force of the dawn effect has sent this up to 11.4. Diabetes, eh? Sometimes you just can't win:(

Doesn't sound much like UTI, grovesy, but it costs next to nothing to bung a wee sample into the surgery for the nurse to dip a stick into for markers of infection.
Good afternoon. 6.3 this morning @ 8.09 after a cracking nights' sleep. 🙂 Had a mound of mash last night :( hence the high reading (high for me that is).

Forgot to say, I never did go to the walk-in clinic re my nose bleed. They were gonna put a camera up and I'm a wimp! 😱
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I sympathise 1000%, Grainger. :(😡 You must be so frustrated - I'm sure a pumper will be along soon to advise you.🙂

Thanks. This D malarkey is all good fun! Hope you are having a great day. I'm sitting comfortably at 6 now so at least my daytime and corrections are still happy!
Well, another beautiful day here on Mull. Bit breezy, mind.

I woke up with a disconcerting 3.4, but a cappuccino and biscuit, combined with the fearsome force of the dawn effect has sent this up to 11.4. Diabetes, eh? Sometimes you just can't win:(

Doesn't sound much like UTI, grovesy, but it costs next to nothing to bung a wee sample into the surgery for the nurse to dip a stick into for markers of infection.
Good afternoon MikeyB. Same here, bright n sunny but how that bitter wind doth still blow!
Glad the cappuccino & biscuit did the trick.
Yes, diabetes, who WOULD have it? I'd gladly give mine away to the first person I see tomorrow! (If only!)
Hope you're feeling a lot better than you have been M.
Take care, stay well & warm

Morning all. Stupid 14.7 this morning - fed up! Does anyone know if it's common to need different basal settings at night for different times of the month (on a pump)? I'm running out of ideas. Some carb free evenings ahead I feel to completely rule out food related results...
Hi @grainger. I'm past all that now :D and at that time I wasn't on insulin, but I found that at certain times of the month my levels did fluctuate more