Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning all 🙂 My first reading was 8.4 😱 A repeat gave me 7.5. The result of a lovely evening out with girls involving dauphinois potatoes and Eton mess. 😳
Mmmm, that sounds nice 🙂 ! A respectable 5.5 for me today.
Nope no Lantus
Fabulous, I do hope it continues, and I see little reason why it shouldn't 🙂 One thing I found when I stopped the lantus was that a stress I had been largely unaware of was lifted - that of the possibility of night hypos. I hadn't realised how much that had preyed on my subconscious mind. I hope you continue to improve and possibly that novorapid will be consigned to history before too long! 🙂
Thank you Alan
Up early again...snotty...6.8 on the left hand...6.2 on the right hand? who knows.
Morning all. A 7.8 for me. Not too bad considering I never got high enough to take all my bolus last night. Once again dead level from 03:30 onwards. No snow here. Have a snug Sunday.
Morning all. 9.7 for me today, was 12.5 before bed.
No walk this morning, its too cold and snowy out there.
Morning all! A 6.1 for me. Just realised I haven't been on here much lately. Got a lot of catching up to do.🙂
Good morning all 🙂 My first reading was 8.4 😱 A repeat gave me 7.5. The result of a lovely evening out with girls involving dauphinois potatoes and Eton mess. 😳
I'd go 7.5 for Eaton Mess and the potatoes...🙂🙂🙂
Good morning everyone.
Woke up about 4 hours ago @ 5.4 had an early brekky as I was sooo sooo hungry. Then fell asleep again till 7 🙂🙂😎. Only trouble is my tum is clamouring for another brekky , it'll be lucky .... not.
And its a 5.2 from me x good morning one and all x