Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all, 10.7 for me today. Just had a look at my patient record online form my gp, and i also got an email yesterday following my blood tests etc. They class anything below 60 (HbA1c) as good control!!! So me being above 9 everyday waking and being anywhrere between 7 and 14-15 during the day is classed as good control at my dr's!!! And they now have me on 1 year recall. So if I hadnt pushed for the referral I dread to think what I would be like in 1 years time!!!
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Morning all, 10.7 for me today. Just had a look at my aptient record online form my gp, and i also got an email yesterday following my blood tests etc. They class anything below 60 (HbA1c) as good control!!! So me being above 9 everyday waking and being anywhrere between 7 and 14-15 during the day is classed as good control at my dr's!!! And they now have me on 1 year recall. So if I hadnt pushed for the referral I dread to think what I would be like in 1 years time!!!
Not good :( That's 7.6% (I still haven't got used to the new numbers! 🙄) This does increase your risks of the various complications:


Keep battling! 🙂
Good morning all. Pricked four fingers and no blood, well a pinprick from one but not enough. I'm wasting strips and lancets like nobody's business.

I will be going docs and asking about sticky blood or at least try and get a new meter, see if he'll give me one then I can give this one back to sister. I managed to do a reading last night and felt it was quite high. 5.9 but I have been feeling weird lately, headache-y. I never get headaches. :( Plus I only had prawn salad for dinner, wonder why it went up?
Morning all 14.9 for me - ops! Have a great Friday!!
Good morning all. Pricked four fingers and no blood, well a pinprick from one but not enough. I'm wasting strips and lancets like nobody's business.

I will be going docs and asking about sticky blood or at least try and get a new meter, see if he'll give me one then I can give this one back to sister. I managed to do a reading last night and felt it was quite high. 5.9 but I have been feeling weird lately, headache-y. I never get headaches. :( Plus I only had prawn salad for dinner, wonder why it went up?

Sorry you're feeling icky Ditti but 5.9 is NOT high!
Morning all, 10.7 for me today. Just had a look at my patient record online form my gp, and i also got an email yesterday following my blood tests etc. They class anything below 60 (HbA1c) as good control!!! So me being above 9 everyday waking and being anywhrere between 7 and 14-15 during the day is classed as good control at my dr's!!! And they now have me on 1 year recall. So if I hadnt pushed for the referral I dread to think what I would be like in 1 years time!!!

They have low and worrying standard of expectation Stitch which don't accord with Govt guidelines!
Glad you've managed to get out of their clutches for better advice.
I got yet another number in the 6's. 6.5. Not a great worry, I had pasta last night, cos I was knackered and didn't have the strength to cook anything healthier. Still, it's another bright winter morning, so I'm bright as well🙂
4.9 this morning after a very disturbed nighys sleep. Still feeling a deep sense of loss.

Again, no Lantus injection at bedtime
Good morning all. Pricked four fingers and no blood, well a pinprick from one but not enough. I'm wasting strips and lancets like nobody's business.

I will be going docs and asking about sticky blood or at least try and get a new meter, see if he'll give me one then I can give this one back to sister. I managed to do a reading last night and felt it was quite high. 5.9 but I have been feeling weird lately, headache-y. I never get headaches. :( Plus I only had prawn salad for dinner, wonder why it went up?

Sorry to hear that yu are still struggling to get blood out to test. But 5.9 is definately not high. I wish I could get a 5.9!!!
I was thinking of the 5.9 in relation to I wanted to eat something else. I was starving! It was too late to eat though but I was thinking to heck with it I'm going to have a tin of tuna with mayo but when I saw that I thought I'll go up to 8.0 maybe and couldn't face it so went to bed with a rumbly tum. This trying to lose weight malarkey is hard especially with the D to contend with too. 🙄
I was thinking of the 5.9 in relation to I wanted to eat something else. I was starving! It was too late to eat though but I was thinking to heck with it I'm going to have a tin of tuna with mayo but when I saw that I thought I'll go up to 8.0 maybe and couldn't face it so went to bed with a rumbly tum. This trying to lose weight malarkey is hard especially with the D to contend with too. 🙄
In the same boat here Ditto........balancing diabetes & weight management simultaneously? Tiz no joke 😱 & not easy... who said it would be anyway? Excellent self discipline Ditto denying yourself the tuna & mayo :D I've found drinking a tumbler of water instead of eating combats the hunger pangs - erm, 95% of the time! I learned that trick when attending a smoking cessation support group 11yrs ago when I quit the ciggies 🙂Keep at it Ditto, we're all willing you on, take care x
I must admit if I didn't have the D I'd have pigged out big time. It scares me that I was pigging out all last year as blanked my diagnosis in February. I bet I was in the double figures big time, I must have been. 😱

I'm on track now. Better late than never. I don't want the bariatric surgery so have to lose the weight before the end of my 'healthy eating' course. I'm not supposed to be writing down what I eat or dieting. They're joking aren't they? I'd pile on the stones if I did as they say. I know it's just while I'm on what they call a 'detour' while they try and cure my binge eating but the D has cured that. 🙄
Sorry to hear you haven't slept :( I hope you get a chance for a nap later today and get a better night tonight 🙂
@Northerner.....fatigue eventually caught up with me, slept for 12+hrs! Woke about 6.20pm to bgl 5.3. Then 2&3/4hrs after evening meal Bgl 7.0. I don't know why I don't sleep at night, happens more often than not & is getting me down. It seems to be a normal pattern these days. Have to live with it it seems :( Any advice would be appreciated.
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@Northerner.....fatigue eventually caught up with me, slept for 12+hrs! Woke about 6.20pm to bgl 5.3. Then 2&3/4hrs after evening meal Bgl 7.0. I don't know why I don't sleep at night, happens more than often than not & is getting me down. It seems to be a normal pattern these days. Have to live with it it seems :( Any advice would be appreciated.
I'm sorry to hear this - good that you got some sleep, but it's so frustrating when you can't get it at the appropriate time :( The problem is that if you get out of synch with your days and nights, you're then not tired enough to sleep at night. If I can't sleep one night then I try to make sure I still go to bed at the normal time the following evening to try and get things back into my natural rhythm. I've suffered from on and off insomnia for years, so I can appreciate how rotten it feels :( Have you tried any of the herbal supplements, like Nytol? I have used that in the past and it did seem to work, although I stopped using it after diagnosis as I didn't want to potentially sleep through a hypo once I was injecting insulin. If it's getting really bad, I'd have a word with your GP about it, they might be able to give you something just to get you back into your natural rhythm 🙂

It's a 6.2 for me today 🙂