Group 7-day waking average?

Hi everybody.🙂 4.5 here.😛

I'm having a 'me' day today - a haircut, a bit of shopping and some time out from diabetes, renovation, snotty kids, rushing around like a headless chicken, etc etc. 😉
Have a good weekend, folks.😎
@Bloden. Good for you, snotty kids or not, enjoy, take care

Diagnosed T2 April 2016
Morning all, 10.7 for me today. Just had a look at my patient record online form my gp, and i also got an email yesterday following my blood tests etc. They class anything below 60 (HbA1c) as good control!!! So me being above 9 everyday waking and being anywhrere between 7 and 14-15 during the day is classed as good control at my dr's!!! And they now have me on 1 year recall. So if I hadnt pushed for the referral I dread to think what I would be like in 1 years time!!!
Puzzling Stitch...I'm not a maths expert...but just exactly how do they work those figures out?...yes well done pushing for your referral...hope it comes through soon.
@Northerner. Thank you for your post, I'm grateful for your comments & advice. GP wouldn't prescribe anything, I've asked him in the past for just 2 or 3 tabs so i could get a few nights sleep to get me back into the swing of sleeping at night, but was denied. Maybe he didn't want me to become dependant. Fair enough. I haven't tried Nytol but I'll give it a try, thank you for that. Right now I'm off to the kitchen to cook my breakfast, thanks again, you take care of yourself Northerner.
Up too early again...6.2 today .
@Northerner.....fatigue eventually caught up with me, slept for 12+hrs! Woke about 6.20pm to bgl 5.3. Then 2&3/4hrs after evening meal Bgl 7.0. I don't know why I don't sleep at night, happens more than often than not & is getting me down. It seems to be a normal pattern these days. Have to live with it it seems :( Any advice would be appreciated.
Hi've probably heard most of the remedies for insomnia...I have a friend who was diagnosed with breast cancer just over a year ago...she couldn't sleep...sent her some sleep oil...helped her a great deal...believe Lavender is the best difficult trying to get back into a regular pattern...might be worth trying it...would also recommend of the ingredients in Nytol tablets... said not only to aid sleep also used to relieve anxiety/stress...which of course can add to the problem of sleeplessness... you can use it to have a relaxing bath...or as a tea ...if you do decide to give it a try you might want to check with our GP or nurse before you take any does have possible side effects...nothing worse than not getting a decent nights sleep.
Good morning folks. After a couple of hours sleep :( I'm 6.3🙂
@wirralass, Bubbsie suggested valeran tea is a good one. I've used that in the past, just as her friend with the breast cancer. Some of the drugs would keep me really wired, even though I just wanted to sleep. The valeran tea was just relaxing enough that I could.

8.4 today, but for a good reason! Glasgow was a good day, dry mostly. And home just as the snow started.
@wirralass , Sorry to hear your having trouble sleeping. Over the years I've tried lots of herbal remedies to no avail and in desperation a prescription one that worked for a week. Insomnia sucks doesn't it.
I hope you find something that helps you
@wirralass, Bubbsie suggested valeran tea is a good one. I've used that in the past, just as her friend with the breast cancer. Some of the drugs would keep me really wired, even though I just wanted to sleep. The valeran tea was just relaxing enough that I could.

8.4 today, but for a good reason! Glasgow was a good day, dry mostly. And home just as the snow started.
Sounds like a good day...Sadhbh...nice lead up to the weekend...enjoy!
Good morning folks. After a couple of hours sleep :( I'm 6.3🙂
Hate hate hate not getting a decent sleep Ljc...hope it improves over the weekend...good number!!
Hi've probably heard most of the remedies for insomnia...I have a friend who was diagnosed with breast cancer just over a year ago...she couldn't sleep...sent her some sleep oil...helped her a great deal...believe Lavender is the best difficult trying to get back into a regular pattern...might be worth trying it...would also recommend of the ingredients in Nytol tablets... said not only to aid sleep also used to relieve anxiety/stress...which of course can add to the problem of sleeplessness... you can use it to have a relaxing bath...or as a tea ...if you do decide to give it a try you might want to check with our GP or nurse before you take any does have possible side effects...nothing worse than not getting a decent nights sleep.
@Bubbsie. Hi. Thanks for that Bubbsie particularly about consulting GP first re: side effects 🙂 I love the fragrance of lavender , it is very calming. Take care
Mmmmm and the number out of the hat this morning is 8.7. According to the libre went nearly hypo at about 01:00 then climbed steadily until about 03:30, then dead level. Much head scratching. Have a good weekend everyone.
6.4 - I think I underestimated Novorapid when I had a pasta dinner - oops
That a great waking number especially after pasta
Morning all, 10.2 for me today.