Group 7-day waking average?

Oh man mine was 16 dont think thats good i have my d day on the the 21st first time insulin so scared can anyone tell me what level key tones kick in what ever they are ill today but still working so hard, how an earth did you all achieve those results, sorry let the side down
You've not let the side down Ingressus. Hopefully things will pan out eventually. Sorry I can't help you re: ketones, but someone else will when they read your post. Chin up if u can! Take care
Aw, sorry to hear you're still in the wars, Amigo. Sending you a very gentle virtual (((hug))) - don't want to squash that shoulder of yours.
A 6.5 for me this cold morning.

Hope all goes well @Flower and @New-journey...sending best wishes.

I'm off very early in the morning to have an ultrasound guided injection into my torn rotator cuff. Hoping it eases things.
Oooo sounds nasty Amigo, grit your teeth, shout & I swear, throttle the radiologist or whoever is performing the ultrasound if you have to! I had a steroid injections in my shoulder 4wks following acromioplasty & arthroscopy surgery so have some idea re the element of pain you're suffering. Take care Amigo
Hello, 4.6 this mornong and no Lantus again last night
That's quite remarkable @Hazel! 😱 Lantus does take a day or two to 'clear' your system, so there may be some residual effect from it still. Do you intend to inject tonight, or will it depend on your bedtime readings?
That's quite remarkable @Hazel! 😱 Lantus does take a day or two to 'clear' your system, so there may be some residual effect from it still. Do you intend to inject tonight, or will it depend on your bedtime readings?

I'll wait and see what bed time reading is
Afternoon all. 5.7 @ 8.26am. Managed to get some blood out last night late on and this morning yay. I'm wondering if I have 'sticky blood'... I asked my nurse friend about it on my Atkins page. "Sticky blood is caused by high blood glucose levels and/or an overproduction of fibrinogen. It's also frequently related to heart disease." 😱

I can't think of any other reason I've been unable to get blood out. It worked fine on Mum! She was just over 7 after having Festivals, a big carby dinner and whilst eating a fig biscuit. 🙂
Afternoon all. 5.7 @ 8.26am. Managed to get some blood out last night late on and this morning yay. I'm wondering if I have 'sticky blood'... I asked my nurse friend about it on my Atkins page. "Sticky blood is caused by high blood glucose levels and/or an overproduction of fibrinogen. It's also frequently related to heart disease." 😱

I can't think of any other reason I've been unable to get blood out. It worked fine on Mum! She was just over 7 after having Festivals, a big carby dinner and whilst eating a fig biscuit. 🙂
Well, if you are at 5.7 on waking, your blood sugar levels are pretty much spot on 🙂
I believe it's the Atkins, Dr A was spot on with diabetes and cardio. 🙂
Just back from seeing the Consultant Radiologist who did the ultrasound. The rotator cuff is still fully torn right through and retracted so whilst the injection might have given some temporary relief, the risk of infection in my case is high so it was agreed to be too risky. Bit depressing but it's a case of balancing the risks and benefits.

Thanks for good wishes everyone.

Oh, torn is painful, and such a long time to heal. It must be frustrating.
Morning...6.1 to anti-coagulation clinic early this morning...just can't get those INR levels right! frustrating😡😡😡
@Bubbsie , I hope your INR behaves itself this time. My Mum was the same when she was on Warfarin.
Good morning folks. 5.5 today🙂
How can this time even be considered normal waking hours? o_O😱

I have had approximately 1 hour and 44mins sleep (I last looked at the clock at 3am) and I'm exhausted. However, I am 5.8.
How can this time even be considered normal waking hours? o_O😱

I have had approximately 1 hour and 44mins sleep (I last looked at the clock at 3am) and I'm exhausted. However, I am 5.8.
Aw Rosie, that's horrible when you haven't been able to sleep :( Hope you get a better night tonight or a chance for a nap later today {{{HUGS}}} Good number though, always a pleasure to see you posting good numbers after so long with frustratingly high ones! 🙂
Good morning @Bubbsie, hope it's good news today 🙂
I hope so Alan...just so frustrating I cannot seem to get those levels right...having to increase medication week after week...might get lucky today...fingers crossed...thank you.
How can this time even be considered normal waking hours? o_O😱

I have had approximately 1 hour and 44mins sleep (I last looked at the clock at 3am) and I'm exhausted. However, I am 5.8.
Sorry to hear that Rosie...lets hope it's temporary...sometimes its so difficult to settle back into a routine and home life after a spell in hospital...try to get your head down today if you can.